No you don't. I've been watching.Its very common, almost the norm actually, for victims of sexual assault to wait before seeking justice. Men are human just like women. Regardless of their physical strength, they go through the same shyt we all do and that includes the victims. Terry is calling out men that made light of his abuse as he should. Yall need to get it through your heads that Black men are not viewed as human. Much of the shyt that happens to yall is because people think you should be able to handle it and not be affected like any human would be. This is toxic. No one's abuse should be a joke.
Absolutely not and my husband is bigger and taller than Terry. Women allow men to be human more than men do. We understand yall better than you understand yourselves. Im more shocked his wife didn't react. Black women aren't afraid to go there with cacs. Its why we have the 'angry and manly' stereotype. You'd think Black men would love us more for this quality, but this isn't the thread for that.
You're adding adjectives to my sentences. I said Im against all predators and I stand firmly by that. I said nothing of perceived predators.
I go hard on men and women equally when they do bad. Please know who you're talking to before making claims of "shrinking up".
I really think men dont understand how sexaul assault attacks your mental more than your body. I suggest any human truly concerned about victims read up on this. Terry's reaction was almost textbook. His gender and physique dont trump his humaness. Because I know this, there is no way I would blame my man or look at him differently after he was assaulted. Thats crazy. Men are not Superman. Superman is not real.
I'm sorry but I just don't believe a guy is going to randomly grope a MF like Crews. It's all speculation but I think Terry's body was for sale and the guy knew.My ex, a very hotheaded mofo (RIP), and I were walking through an unfamiliar hood in Houston. There were 3 dudes by a car and a dyke with a rockweiller walking towards the car. We had just walked past when one of the dudes was like "what you need?" My ex was like "nothing" and dude replied "well what you keep looking back for nikka?" I quietly whispered to my ex to ignore him. He glanced at me, blew a kiss and kept it moving. A woman that cares about her man will keep him out of shyt, not hope he fights through it. Now, i knew my man was carrying and already had 2 strikes in Texas and not a bytch, but still...
I'm not walking away from a fight myself. I almost got into a situation last week with a Latina bytch on the pink line going to Pilsen (a heavy Hispanic area in Chicago). Called her all types of bytches and threatened to smack her for talking stupid and not making space on the train. It was dumb and luckily she threatened to call the police and wasnt on some gang shyt. But yeah, my husband checked me because this is how people die.
But sexual assault is different. Its a power move. If I were going to blame Terry for anything (which I absolutely don't, but for the sake of a discussion...) it would be for him believing these people are more powerful than him in the first place. Thats why the man disrespected him like that. He knew Terry thought more of him than he did himself. Thats what money does to some people. Truth is, I bet a lot of our favs have gone through this. Thats why its important that Terry isn't blamed for his own attack. It keeps the power dynamic as is which gives space for more victims.
Sexaul assault can cause a person to freeze I hear. the Latina bytch froze when she realized calling me an idiot was the wrong move. Imagine had I grabbed her p*ssy.
You read absolutely nothing i wroteIts very common, almost the norm actually, for victims of sexual assault to wait before seeking justice. Men are human just like women. Regardless of their physical strength, they go through the same shyt we all do and that includes the victims. Terry is calling out men that made light of his abuse as he should. Yall need to get it through your heads that Black men are not viewed as human. Much of the shyt that happens to yall is because people think you should be able to handle it and not be affected like any human would be. This is toxic. No one's abuse should be a joke.
Absolutely not and my husband is bigger and taller than Terry. Women allow men to be human more than men do. We understand yall better than you understand yourselves. Im more shocked his wife didn't react. Black women aren't afraid to go there with cacs. Its why we have the 'angry and manly' stereotype. You'd think Black men would love us more for this quality, but this isn't the thread for that.
You're adding adjectives to my sentences. I said Im against all predators and I stand firmly by that. I said nothing of perceived predators.
I go hard on men and women equally when they do bad. Please know who you're talking to before making claims of "shrinking up".
I really think men dont understand how sexaul assault attacks your mental more than your body. I suggest any human truly concerned about victims read up on this. Terry's reaction was almost textbook. His gender and physique dont trump his humaness. Because I know this, there is no way I would blame my man or look at him differently after he was assaulted. Thats crazy. Men are not Superman. Superman is not real.
LMAO@please don’t feel obligated to watch, or watch ALONE lmaoI stopped at “survivor”.
nikka, your life wasn’t in danger. You let a smaller grown man caress your balls and didn’t do shyt about it.
And the disclaimer at the beginning. Are people this soft? And why is it animated in pink?