Why is this not an act of terror? I guess you new black c00ns will call it a hate crime. Obama needs to pursue this more ardently than AQ. This shyt is happening right here in the U.S. yet it is not given the comprehensive attention it deserves. Whichever terrorist group or groups he belongs to should be pursued and eliminated. Is this not the standard with terrorist groups? If someone affiliated with AL Qaeda does something, the whole group is responsible but when american cacs do this shyt, they acted alone. I don't usually vent like this but fukk all yo new black c00ns. Your c00nin, passively or agressively, helps create an enviroment for shyt like this. He and all he is affiliated with should be smoked out of their caves and destroyed. Potus had better drop that hammer on him and his group. I know it won't happen though I would love to be proven wrong. If the BM bombing was terrorism then why isn't this. One of you c00ns please explain this.