Is it just me or do all these crazy ass shooters seem to shoot at innocents. Shooting up people attending a movie, church, and schools. If you going to take a life can you at least shoot somebody that did something to deserve it. People suck brehs.
What does this have to do with me?
U adore white people. A white dude did this. ComeWhat does this have to do with me?
Your entrie post is wrong.U adore white people. A white dude did this. Comefor your boy
My crystal ball forsees alot of "Bu-Bu-Bu-But whataboutchicagoooo!!!" Be prepared.No white coworkers have called me up to talk about this as yet. During the Boston Marathon tragedy, they called me all day. Stand by, I'll keep you posted. America is under attack but they're not acting like it yet.
I'm very interested to see if/how 'black on black' crime will be tied into this.
Not the place for this post. Actually it's insulting, and I'm not even into religion like thatREST in Peace TO THE VICTIMS
But it's a shame black folks still being going to churches knowing how this so called "righteous" religion and this "saviour" BS got us oppressed. WAKE UP AND READ SOME THANGS.