Africans have been enslaved and terrorized by Islam for years my friend. Why would it take THIS attack for you to declare you won't cape for Muslims anymore? As terrible as this attack was, I think we take on the same emotional traits of anti-Islamic fear as xenophobes. We shouldn't give certain sectors and factions of Islam a pass just based on GP and what's happened in Sudan, Nigeria, and all of North and West Africa for decades(they owned Black slaves as recently as the 1950's in certain parts of North Africa), but THIS attack ad bad as it is shouldn't have been the deciding factor. What say you on Boko Haram and the "Islam Over Everything" self-hatred that has contributed to Blacks carrying out attacks on other Blacks for decades in Africa?100 dead???? Wow... Just wow...
I sometimes use to cape for Islam due to the ignorant and uneducated hypocrisy on it, but not this time... I would not want to be a Muslim in 2016 Europe.
So you are going to act like cop killings dont happen here
My prediction: NATO will go into Syria after this.
A US-led coalition has been targeting Isis in Syria and Iraq in air strikes for more than a year.
My prediction: NATO will go into Syria after this.
People ask "why dont other atrocities get this much attention?"
Because its always alot more personal when shyt happens to the West. Like it or not, the countries of Western Europe are our societal "cousins" so to speak and face many of the same issues we deal with over here. Paris could've easily been Washington DC is what im saying.
Um, no. Paris was named after the Parisii people, the Celtic tribe of the Seine river.Little known fact about Paris: Paris is named after the goddess ISIS.
The reason these types of attacks get so much attention here is because these groups (ISIS etc...) hate all things involving the west.Genocide is going on right now in Burundi but hey....France is more important.
Muhammad was a warlord, so i don't see how this isn't how you practice islamThese fake Muslims making a mockery in the name of God. I'm not even a Muslim and I know that's not how the religion is practice. Karma will come one day.
R.I.P to the fallen victims. What a evil world we live in.
named after a tribe called the Parisii....