Telltale Games "The Wolf Among Us"


Return of the G
May 1, 2012
Mobile, AL
as a big fan of TWD series i gotta check this out. first episode is out today


As Bigby Wolf - THE big bad wolf in human form - you will discover that the brutal, bloody murder of a Fable is just a taste of things to
come, in a game series where your every decision can have enormous consequences.

- Your choices matter: it’s not only WHAT you choose to do that will affect how your story plays out, but WHEN you choose to do it
- A mature and gritty take on characters from fairytales, legends and folklore who have escaped into our world.
- Play as Bigby Wolf: formerly the most feared monster among the Fables, now Sheriff of Fabletown and protector of those he used to hunt.
- Bigby must restrain the beast within if he is to earn the trust of those around him.
- Will you approach a situation calmly or unleash your inner rage? The way you act will determine how others respond to you.
- Set before the events seen in the first issue of the comics – you don’t have to know the characters or the world to play!


Is this game like The Walking Dead?
If you’re a fan of The Walking Dead, we think you’ll like The Wolf Among Us. You’ll feel right at home with the controls and the way that the
game plays. Like The Walking Dead, it is an adventure game focused on story and characters. More importantly, unlike many other games,
The Wolf Among Us is driven by the choices that YOU make: we see you as the final collaborator in telling the story of the game.

What is ‘Fables’?
Fables is an Eisner Award-winning comic book series was first published in 2002 by Vertigo, an imprint of DC Comics. Written by Bill
Willingham, the series tells the tale of the characters and creatures of myth, lore and legend who have been driven from their homelands to
seek refuge in our ‘mundane’ world.

The Wolf Among Us is about fairytale characters and creatures? It’s for kids, right?
Absolutely not. The Wolf Among Us, like the Fables comic books it’s based on is a mature experience. It is violent and gritty and deals
with adult themes. These are not the characters and stories from sanitized animated movies; they’re bloody, sexy and have never been on
the side of a child’s lunchbox.

Does The Wolf Among Us play in a similar manner to The Walking Dead?
If you’ve played The Walking Dead, you’ll feel very comfortable with the game’s controls. There have been changes though, reflecting
feedback from you, our players, and the differences between the characters and world of Fables versus those of The Walking Dead. Lee
Everett and Bigby Wolf are very different people in very different situations.

Do I need to have read the Fables comic books in order to enjoy the game?
No. The game is set before the events seen in the first comic book, so you don’t need to know anything about the world or the characters,
but if you are a fan of Fables, we think you’ll enjoy seeing the characters and places you’re familiar with brought to life in a video game.

So who do I play as?
You are Bigby Wolf, THE Big Bad Wolf of story and legend. Bigby came to the mundane world several hundred years ago along with
many other Fables as they escaped from their homelands, fleeing from the tyranny of ‘The Adversary’. Bigby is Sheriff of Fabletown; an
incredible detective with preternaturally powerful senses and the ability to revert to his original form – that of a giant wolf. His dark past
means that even though there is a pact between all Fables, stating that the events of the homelands are in the past and are to be
forgiven, many do not trust him. He is feared, and although that’s often useful in his line of work, it can present him with problems.

What’s Fabletown?
Fabletown is an area of New York City where many of the Fables who escaped their homelands live in exile. They are hidden from the
mundane world through magic and subterfuge. Those that cannot pass as human must wear a magical ‘glamour’ to fool mundane eyes
if they are to remain in Fabletown. Fables that cannot hide their true nature must live in seclusion, in up-state New York, on ‘The Farm’.

Who can I expect to meet in this game?
You’ll meet characters that you know…or think you know. Beauty and the Beast are an interesting couple and Ichabod Crane is
Deputy Mayor. Colin the Pig - of three little pigs fame - is a regular (unwelcome) guest in Bigby’s apartment, and the Woodsman is
someone that Bigby has ‘history’ with. A flying, drunken money from the land of Oz is a librarian of sorts, and the assistant to the
Deputy Mayor is a certain Miss Snow White. These are just a few of the Fables you’ll meet in The Wolf Among Us.

How and why does choice matter?
Player choice is the key mechanic of a Telltale game and it’s what makes our games unlike just about every other game out there.
You are the final ‘author’ of the story that you’ll experience because the things that you do and say affect the world around you. Your
decision or action could cause an immediate effect, or it might not be felt until later in the episode or even later in the season. Because
the choices you make are yours, it means that your experience of The Wolf Among Us could be very different to that of a friend.
Furthermore, you’ll often come under pressure to make decisions quickly. You won’t be able to stand around too long deciding which
option to choose during a conversation, reflecting the pressures or real-world decision-making.The Wolf Among Us adds a new
dimension to the way that choice matters. For the first time in a Telltale game, it not only matters WHAT you choose to do, but WHEN
you choose to do it. Time is always ticking and even the Big Bad Wolf can’t be in two places at once. You’ll have to deal with the
consequences choosing where to go and what to deal with at any given time.

How long is each episode?
It really depends on the player, but an episode can be completed in around 2 hours (that’s 10 hours for the whole season). Having
episodes of this length means that most people will be able to get through them, and we want that to happen. The game is not designed
to present super-hard barriers and will not force you to grind through it in any way. We want you to complete an episode so that you’ll
experience the story and be ready for the next episode.

Why does the game look the way it does?
We were inspired by the work of Mark Buckingham, artist for the comic books.


May 2, 2012
Just played chapter 3, shyt is really good, I try to play bigby good but people be testing my patience sometimes
i threw all that out the window this episode. i egged the twins on @ the funeral to prove they bout that gunplay, punched crane, burned the witches bush (i warned her not to fukk with me twice), killed the twin :laugh: playing as bigby seems no different than playing as wolverine


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
just finished episode 4. great game :whew:

I'm actually liking this more than The Walking Dead. nothing against TWD, but I think I just like the fact that this is a 'mystery', plus I think it's a more 'mature' story

can't wait for ep 5


May 2, 2012
:ehh: guess i'll finish this off tonight. seems like its ending too soon considering i barely know the bad guy and their motives


Aug 10, 2013
I finished it earlier today.

I like this game series, Telltale is one of the best studios right now at crafting engrossing stories and game universes. :ehh: I like it enough that I feel that it is a bit short for the amount of content they have to work with.

It seems to me they could have gone for maybe 8 or more episodes in this arc to flesh out the characters more. 5 episodes ended rather abruptly for me. I really liked it for what it was. :manny:

I like how they tie in a lot of the decisions you made throughout the game in the court scene, with destroying/saving the tree, the killing of Georgie, etc. :obama:

I've been wondering how to interpret the final scene with Nerissa. I was left with the impression that the whole deja-vu thing some sort of clue to her possibly using glamours to impersonate Faith during the story. Does that mean that Faith is still alive? :ohhh: The doctor said that there was some strange shyt going on with her cadaver, so this makes me wonder.

Regardless, they're definitely setting it up for another season which I am excited for. :smugbiden:


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
just finished it :whew:

not sure what to make of the final scene. :patrice:seems Donkeyskin might have found a new disguise. maybe Faith and Nerissa were glamoured as each other for some reason, and Nerissa was actually killed by Georgie thinking she was Faith. idk... but it seems the implication is that 'Faith' that Bigby met in the beginning, and 'Nerissa' at the end, were the same person. how that works out with the glamours and severed heads I'm not sure...

full on wolf Bigby though. :blessed: I failed so many of those quick-times and still smashed that bytch into pieces :pachaha:

I was pretty civil through my playthrough, but I think I might have to do an 'a$$hole' Bigby playthrough :demonic:


May 2, 2012
game could have easily went another 6 episodes. :beli:

my beef is TTG could fall back for a year or two and create a masterpiece. although i enjoyed the story, these feel rushed. i shouldn't be able to beat these joints in under an hour
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