Tessa got a world title reign from Impact and then told them to kick rocks by going AWOL, never even formally losing it and left by choice. I'm sure if they had their way she'd still be in the company right now but she left because she knows opportunity awaits her elsewhere, that's hardy "getting what she deserved". You're in for a rude awakening when she inevitably pops up on AEW or WWE.Nah not at all. But I also don't think things go down the same way if Tessa was a guy and if Moose and Kiera don't come out defending her. I wasn't a fan of Impact putting the belt on Tessa, I even drew up and posted a way to get Rich to take her place and take the belt off Callihan to build to a Rich Swann/Willie Mack feud in the Tessa thread here. COVID rendered Tessa's reign irrelevant though and she's unemployed so she got what she deserved at the end of the day. Also that first female world champ shyt isn't even true Sexy Star won the Lucha Underground Championship.
Virtually nobody claimed Impact was some super progressive company either we've all just acknowledged that they've given black talent the ball when other companies wouldn't and they've consistently booked black talent in ways where they weren't flat out minstrel show characters. We can speculate on the reasons why they've done that (them being progressive and all that) but at the end of the day they've done it.
But whilst you're here breh please answer the question in the title and tell us which top wrestling company has given black talent a fairer shake than TNA/Impact have since they've been around so we can go support them? We can sit here and point out how they mismanaged the Tessa Blanchard situation but exactly where are black wrestling fans supposed to go and shouldn't we acknowledge it when we see our own doing well? Or are we just supposed to stay mad until there's a black owned wrestling company that's on a black owned TV network where the network owner has gone above and beyond to prove that they're not a c00n?
Show us the way.
Y'all should practice holding other companies accountable without using WWE as a measuring stick for how to handle racists. Just because WWE does it doesn't mean Impact or any other company should get a pass. Not sure what's hard to understand about that concept, hold everybody(that means WWE too) accountable and stop deflecting.
Doing the bare minimum isn't being ahead of the curve. It just makes you the least shytty smelling turd out of the two or three. If this was a thread about WWE putting black wrestlers in prominent positions I'd shyt on them too but it's about Impact right now.. constantly bringing up "but WWE is even more racist" just takes Impact off of the hook. They don't deserve praise period.This was actually a deflecting post, cause people HAVE held other companies accountable. Again, these other companies have been ahead of the curve on giving people opportunities, while the company with every single resource available and a 30+ year head start failed year in and year out.
We acting like Chris Bey is getting some amazing spotlight off of one segment like he didn't just get booked in a shytty X Division title reign where it was ended mad quick to some generic dude with nowhere near the potential and star power as him.
Chris Bey’s come up has been good to see
Doing the bare minimum isn't being ahead of the curve. It just makes you the least shytty smelling turd out of the two or three. If this was a thread about WWE putting black wrestlers in prominent positions I'd shyt on them too but it's about Impact right now.. constantly bringing up "but WWE is even more racist" just takes Impact off of the hook. They don't deserve praise period.
sucks it took a pandemic and no crowd for shyt like this happen
did we forget about their response to the tessa blanchard shyt already?
Since Day 1. The only misses they ever had were taking too long to put the strap on Monty Brown and the Pope and maybe not finding a role for Creed before he left for the WWE.
Even then 2 of those 3 had their best runs in TNA/Impact.
They even had Kenny King swagged out in the Beat Down Clan.