Nate being caught in 4K trying to rip that poster up and slipping off of the office chair had me
He’ll eventually come around…that I’m sure of. Just a matter of time until Rupert’s manipulation is fully realized.
I feel a little romantic tension in the scenes between Keeley and Jack and I really hope that’s not where they’re going to go. That ain’t even me being anti-LGBT, but she’s already in a love triangle with Roy and Jamie…now we adding another interest?
Speaking of which, I wonder why Roy broke up with her. If he’s smashing that teacher from last season then he upgraded. Sorry, Juno.
Keeley’s friend Shandy is a wild character and clearly a bad mix with the Bantr’s goals. Wouldn’t shock me if she fukks around and airs out Colin’s non-Harlem business in attempt to big up the dating app.
I…just can’t see Ted and Michelle getting back together after all of this. It would be bad writing if so. It’s good to see Ted let the other party know what makes him feel unhappy rather than bottling those emotions in, but I hope he’s able to move on. His ex-wife’s guilt makes me think she got with Jake before the marriage was dissolved.