It's going that way. Like you said, for some that's all we

on these days. But for the masses...I always see people at those redbox kiosks when I pass one. I just shake my head.
I get unlimited content for like $10/month. When the media companies catch on and wise up, I'll go legit. But how they haven't already come together and worked out a DD subscription plan is beyond me. I'd gladly pay them instead, but until they make it reasonable...nope.
I mean, they're not going to stop producing content, why not cut out the middleman (I'm looking at you netflix) and lock in that recurring revenue. Are they really eating that good on VOD and physical media? Maybe I'm biased, but I can't see it.
Your local rental gallery is a thing of the past. It's really the next logical step. But I guess they're going to continue to lobby to legislate DD into oblivion first before they figure out it's never going to happen.
fukk em.