This thread is for all that Tech you bought that you thought was gonna blow up but ended up fading to Bolivia most of mine is courtesy of my pops since I couldn't afford this stuff
Mini Discs: My dad bought a couple mini disc players and those joints were hard too, I had mad CD's on mine I think the fact that it was so hard to manage did it in, it didn't have an itunes or any program to manage files
Iomega Zip Discs: I thought it was gonna set the world ablaze 100MB on a disc
ultimately they just made hard drives bigger and flash memory became the standard, what's the point of having a dedicated memory storage when it's easier and faster to use USB?
Sega Saturn:
too much to get into
why'd they do my system like that? I loved this bad boy but everyone lost faith in sega ended up getting it sunk and then PS2 came through and crushed the buildings
Mini Discs: My dad bought a couple mini disc players and those joints were hard too, I had mad CD's on mine I think the fact that it was so hard to manage did it in, it didn't have an itunes or any program to manage files
Iomega Zip Discs: I thought it was gonna set the world ablaze 100MB on a disc

Sega Saturn:
