Breh, there's people who don't even know who Brooks and Dunn are. Many more couldn't name a Brooks and Dunn song or a Reba McEntire song. Those artists appeal to people of a certain age and race. Who on planet Earth doesn't know who Beyonce is?
Harry Styles? Really?
Beyonce and Drake are superstars. I'd even say Beyonce is as relevant if not more relevant than Taylor Swift. Same goes for Drake. Sales are just one piece of the puzzle. I mean, we could say Taylor Swift isn't a star because she doesn't do Adele numbers.
Doesn't matter if you don't know who they are, their actual audience does and puts their money where their mouth is.
Time some of you kids realize the difference between reality and perception.
You aren't a star if you don't have a fanbase that financially supports you.
You aren't a star if you can't tour.
You aren't a star if your whole selling point is the illusion of being famous, but you have no work to sell or fall back on.
Beyonce is a wanning superstar, her last record flopped.
Drake is a wanning superstar, his last record flopped.
Taylor swift showed her relevance in her commercial performance.
Adele's last album didnt do her usual numbers, but it sold more than Drake and Beyonce.
Image only goes so far.