i wont put that on her,but from what i've seen she goes hard,maybe a lil too hard?
Some times black folks who go the hardest do so out of anger from feeling rejected by whites,and not feeling welcomed in the circle of white supreacist
Gotta be careful who you listen to,often times at the genesis of they militance theres a story of them getting that wakeup call.
how did she "get exposed" when she said that entertaining line out of her mouth on multiple videos
where has she ever admitted to sleeping with white men
also lets keep it a buck (no pun intended) but tariq has a soft stance on interracial because his mom in law is a white woman. nothing more, nothing less.
I see your point, but barely anyone is calling out Cynthia for being a hypocrite, they're mad at her for being in their eyes a "bedwench" which in their context constitutes just sleeping with white men on whatever level for whatever reason even though that no one can even prove that she's ever done so in the past. If that's the benchmark that we're going to base our criticisms on then we should hold all people to that standard
100000000% true
truth be told most black people who date interracially, especially if theyre liberal, are just a real bad experience away from being militant
whats there to agree on? she either has or she hasn't. and she repeatedly said she hasn't. yall are using one of her own videos as some type of "proof"
nobody said that they agreed with it, but that they could see the reasoning behind it.
uhhh this sounds good and all but black people were literally enslaved by crackers. followed by jim crow, mass incarceration, medical racism. i mean black folks have the least wealth in this country and are the most unemployed.
you're talking on a personal basis, but unfortunately black people are viewed as a collective. so that nissan dealership owner is still under the foot of white supremacy because he can get murked by a cac (doesn't even matter if its a police officer or not) and get no justice. that's the definition of being dominated.
Basically what happened there. Dude simply didnt think things through with that oneHe knows better bruh. Just like the black men hating bed wenches who use that as an excuse/justification know better. I called dude out too, but the reason he gets somewhat of a pass is because you know that his overall point wasn't to justify or excuse bed wenching. The whole show was about shytting on bed wenches. Dude has multiple shows calling out bed wenches. He's one of the cats who popularized the term. The fact that this cyn g chic and her c00n allies have cherry picked that one comment and ran with it to excuse bed wenching by deflecting into black men is just an example of how devious they are.
It's also an example of how dude needs to be more careful in what he says. I understand that he freestyles but sometimes that leads to him talking out his ass. Again tho, the overall point that he wa making is valid. Black men are selling out too.
My bad you can ignore them bruh. I'm just using you to make a point. Some posters don't like being talked about without being tagged. I won't tag you from now on tho.
But the whole thing is used to justify a personal relationship between one bedwench and one white man though. I dont get the mix and matching of macro and micro scale on this one
One breh a couple pages back stated how white women statistically are better fit,healthier,more economically stable,comes from more stable households etc. Is a sambo dude still a "diluted neutered beta male" if he uses this as a justification to date a white woman
Are these women gaining white men that are actually DOMINATING in society. How do chinese men fit in this,what about latino dudes?
Basically what happened there. Dude simply didnt think things through with that one
She could haveso how do yall know cyn didn't freestyle that? she's also made numerous shows shytting on wenches...
Don't listen to that agent. That chic listened to Nasheed's anti-bed wench video and cherry picked 1-2 mins of a 30 min rant to say "black men shouldn't say anything about bed wenching cause white men got all the power" knowing that wasn't the gist of dude's video. First she jumped the comment then she made her own separate video perpetuating that "bed wenching is the fault of black men" talking point. She wasn't free styling she was being deliberately sneaky. Just like the clown you're quoting.She could have. I believe theyre both wrong on this