Some of yall got this real twisted. Tariq took a gamble on Lou not the other way around. Any event promoter would benefit from the info tariq was dropping about hosting an event but Lou let his pride put him into defense mode. Its not all about the money if you're just delivering any kind of janky service. Nothing in what Tariq was saying was about hoe'ing Lou. Fam came off real emotional and egotistical.
If you really look at it alot of people paid money to come out in uncomfortable seating and had trouble finding the event because of the location. Lou had another opportunity to shine in his talk during the live show with Tariq but chose to get childish instead. not a good look.
a valid point can be made for both sides. like you said, tariq took a gamble on lou and not the other way around. if he felt it was unbecoming of his brand, and wanted to air things out to his fanbase; i can understand that.
on the other hand, he went hard on breh. he spent almost 2 hours shytting on his businesses practices. tariq could have kept it brief without all the disrespect
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