LISTEN, do not get caught up in one liners. What did the man's overall point say? This is all you are supposed to take from a dude like tariq. We've all heard the man's show numerous times. we know he clowns for a living. but he also tries to put people up on game for a living. The only reason you know who he because he's clowning and making you laugh while calling you and others out for not being up to par. Stop getting caught up in your feelings "hey bruh dont clown me like that." STOP IT. Was he right about you? YEP. well then time to admit it and get better. its not that hard.
its not like Tariq told blakking to he needs to go to school for 4 years and take special classes on Promoter etiquette. its not like Tariq told dude he would need to pay 20k for these classes. he told the man, look bruh. all you have to do is be there early, dont try to give people wack venues to save a buck, make sure the dressing area/room is not all up on the stage or right where the people are so your guest can get ready and get their mind right before going on stage... just make sure the people are comfortable as they can be and make sure your guest is as comfortable and in the right headspace before he/she goes on.
What he told blakking was EASY to accomplish but would go a long way for blakking. If like they both said, they made some good doe off of what hey put together. he's half way there. all he needs to do is the rest and bam he has himself a Nice little Profession. Why would anyone get hung up on "but but he was clowning him though." STOP IT black folks. get the meat of the subject matter and leave that cotton candy nonsense alone.
Why did you think blakking said to tariq before he left "ay ay...haa haaa..dont go in on me to hard ok bruh?"
cause he knew he wasnt on his Game. There is no way i'm putting forth my best foot and then copying pleas with tariq. Because i would have known. i did all i could do. now if he still had critiques. i would take those too because at the end of the day Tariq does this for a living. this is my first Match so to speak. let me learn from a black belt.
Get stuck on the nonsense and see how far you get in life.