Tarig getting views on passive aggressively shytting on the brother... Making it a chatty patty\gossip type vid...... On some man to man shyt.... if he felt like dude was a good dude... he could've expressed his grievances face to face....... and go from there....
but truth be told... that's not the game Tariq is in...
stop using this tired reply. he did that. he told dude on the phone. blakking admitted to it during the show.
The reason you dont like this is because he caught feelings on air. Exposing not just him but those that act and think like him. Maybe you are him too. maybe you have that "i dont care... we got paid though right... they liked it right...."
versus "i would like to have the best quality event i can afford." thats what tariq was saying. no more and no less. he talked to dude in private. you could tell when he caught him on air, blakking was still in his feelings. GET OUT OF YOUR FEELINGS. take the game and say thank you and apply it at the next event. thats it. yall would rather catch feelings and spend time on that then actually do better.
Someone dont like how tariq talks down to people. like their kids. did yall hear the next caller talking about starting a business? Full grown man sounded like he was 15 at best. didnt know what he was even talking about fully. but steadily asking another grown man for help. first off. do your own research if its something you want to do. then if you've exhausted all avenues, then ask someone else. but not a moment sooner. got us black bruhs out here sounding like little kids. so we deserved to be talked down to. not that this what tariq was doing. corrective critique is not down talking.