"i'm not here to save everybody..."

If he said Zimmerman's getting off then a lot of people could've told u that me included considering how the Justice System works. But at the same time this cac is getting life at least. White supremacy works because its not so obvious as to let off someone who's clearly 100% guilty. Its just that whenever there's a shred of doubt that doubt is amplified to benefit the white side.
this same fear keeps white folks all over planet earth up at night and hoarding guns and ammunition for a "zombie apocalypse", that's why there are so many shows and movies centered around zombies (non-white people who will be mowed down en mass in the event of economic collapse)
Nothing. But if he uses the murder of nine innocent people to guilt trip the audience into buying tickets for the tour, I'm done. I cant support no shyt like that.
seeing a lot of people on Twitter talking about "this means war" as if we haven't BEEN at war.
this type of ignorance is why I say that white people should drop the act, no more political correctness and say "yeah we did it, and what are you gonna do about it" otherwise Black people will continue to remain ignorant about their very reality.
what if he do get off?
So a black mans not allowed to promote his OWN work on his OWN platform to his OWN people? While he discusses RELEVANT info that PERTAINS to us? What exactly is the NEGATIVE outcome of this? What SPECIFICALLY does this do to harm black people? Because although I don't give a shyt whether he does his show or not I would really like to know what the big deal is.