Thrse three cats are powerful. Dont be shocked if something happens to one of them. People are frustrated and actually listening for the first time and a long time. Dangerous stuff.
op has to report the results back to his handlersWhat’s with the poll? I didn’t know this was a battle
He been sounding like her a lot lately.Jason Black sounding a BIT like Yvette right now.
I don't even think it was sideways. Iirc, listeners had been asking her to address Dr Welsing's ideas but she never got around to it. When she finally passed, ppl started pressing Yvette even more. As a woman of ideas and debate, I don't even think Dr Welsing would have been offended. The most sublime possibility for a scholar is that people continue to debate and engage their thoughts after they gone off this planet. That's true immortality.Yvette said something sideways about Dr. Welsing after her death. While she apologized, they can’t seem to ever move past it.
What’s with the poll? I didn’t know this was a battle
That's inevitable. Once the awakening of black America from the stupor of post-racial thinking reaches a critical mass, its emergence from the mental chains of liberalism - which has been employed as a trojan horse of control over pro-black empowerment - will be treated as a national security issue. Millions of black men and women rejecting the lie of intersectionality and post-racialism means the myth of two parties that aren't united in the preservation of white supremacy will be put to rest. This is just the beginning, the fire merely being lit by the likes of Tariq and company. It's when those flames begin to grow, causing damage to institutions that've been successfully masked as friends of black people since the Civil Rights Act, that shyt will get real.JB predicting that 12 bout to start fukking with them
I don’t recall what was said, do you know?He been sounding like her a lot lately.
I don't even think it was sideways. Iirc, listeners had been asking her to address Dr Welsing's ideas but she never got around to it. When she finally passed, ppl started pressing Yvette even more. As a woman of ideas and debate, I don't even think Dr Welsing would have been offended. The most sublime possibility for a scholar is that people continue to debate and engage their thoughts after they gone off this planet. That's true immortality.
But I can definitely see why Tariq and them might feel some kinda way. But that's them. I can't say Dr Welsing would agree, both with their initial reaction to Yvette, and to their continued anger at Yvette.
But I don't know shyt and these are just my thoughts.
Next monthTariq just shouted out Yvette and Tone..... that collab coming soon brehs
I honestly can't recall either. But I do recall thinking at the time 'That was a decent treatment of Dr Welsing's work '.I don’t recall what was said, do you know?