If this was on the NYT’s radar, a lot of eyes are on this movement at the moment right now. Even though I think Tariq needs to tighten up and chill on the hustle side of his game, I can’t tell another man how to feed his family. If he wants to make videos and sing, so be it, BUT as he has said a hundred times, the time for singing and dancing are over. I get his ideology in showing how to get money independent of the system, but saying one thing (its time to get serious) and doing another are not the move in my opinion.
Now that I’ve gotten that off my chest, I commend Tariq for putting this together. What he needs to be aware of is these attention hos and wannabe black gatekeepers like Roland Martin, CTG, Amanda Seales, etc. will do whatever they can to kill this movement, even if it means selling them out and setting them up. There is a black “Cold War” brewing and the powers that be will continue funding the controlled opposition through their media outlets, plants, agents, etc.
Bottom line is this movement HAS to progress beyond, “do for us” or we won’t vote AND remain non-violent. The request for tangibles needs to find a way to get past the talking and planning stage. There needs to be a vetted, grassroots political group strategically set up to start getting into various offices and held accountable and then another phase of this moved on.