Tariq Nasheed is losing it


Aug 18, 2013
If they are illegal, they shouldn’t qualify for any assistance.

There are 1000’s of un-housed black people in california that just can’t afford rent or mortgage. They should be priority.


And we're also talking about getting approved to buy a home... In California... You're going to need to have a legit job that pays well on the tax books in the first place to prove that you have an income.

I mean, it's a 20% down payment loan with a 6% interest that they'll have to pay back anyway. It's helpful for 1st time buyers but not exactly a sweepstakes giveaway

The bigger question is, will the illegal immigrants get additional funding for the down payment of that mortgage loan?

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
The democrats will probably continue ignoring black people and keep helping immigrants, so Tariq will have enough countent for the next 4 years.
But this isn't happening. Immigrants DO NOT EVEN QUALIFY FOR ANYWHERE NEAR THE AMOUNT OF SOCIAL PROGRAMS AS WE DO DESPITE ALSO PAYING BILLIONS IN STATE AND FEDERAL TAXES. People need to recognize that Tariq spreads nothing but misinformation.
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Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
If they are illegal, they shouldn’t qualify for any assistance.

There are 1000’s of un-housed black people in california that just can’t afford rent or mortgage. They should be priority.

In the last round, the vast majority of people selected were white, but we're in here fearmongering about immigrants. You people are so fukking stupid.

There are programs that any first-time homeowner in California can apply for:

And there are programs that center Black first-time homeowners:

The Building Black Wealth campaign is CalHFA’s initiative to increase Black homeownership in California. Looking at homeownership through a lens of equity, Black homeownership is far behind. Our campaign provides educational materials, and connections to resources such as free housing counseling and down payment assistance to help close that gap.

They can't do this directly on their own because it is prohibited in California.

The program was meant, in part, to help address California’s ethnic and racial wealth gap, with Black and Latino families having fewer net assets than the national average. Participation in the program was limited to households earning less than 150% of median earnings in their county. According to the initial characteristics shown in the agency document obtained by CalMatters, roughly two-thirds of the beneficiaries went to those making less than $125,000. The average loan was a little more than $112,000.

But those figures also show that the program was disproportionately used by white homebuyers. Senate President pro Tempore Toni G. Atkins, of San Diego, said in a statement Monday that the program was intended to reach those historically shut out of the housing market.

“While this program has been immensely successful in getting new homebuyers into the market quickly and in places with low homeownership rates like the Central Valley, clearly more work needs to be done to make sure that there is statewide awareness, particularly in communities of color,” Atkins said.

The fact that the program ran out of cash in a two week spree speaks to just how voracious demand is for housing in California. It also suggests that some of the people who made use of the program were already well into the house hunting process.

That raises an important question: How many of the people who benefited from the loan program actually needed the help and how many would have purchased a home anyway?

“I would guess that 30 to 50% of the people who are using it could qualify or buy without it because I had plenty like that,” said Matt Gougé, a Sacramento loan officer, referring to his own clients.

California prohibits affirmative action, limiting the housing agency’s ability to direct the money to communities of color.

We’d like to do something we’re not allowed to do in California, and this is not the fault of CalHFA or anybody else,” said Micah Weinberg, chief executive of California Forward, a nonprofit hired by the state treasurer to create an initial framework for the program. “When those of us outside of government talked about what the intention of the program is — it is to really, very specifically, target those demographic communities, African Americans and others — who have been locked out of the homebuyer marketplace for a variety of different reasons.”

“You actually can’t do that directly in California“

Tariq lives there and could be organizing a movement to change this, but instead, he sits on twitter all day doing the bidding of racist white people. And his brain-dead sycophants follow along blindly.


Mar 19, 2017
On the contrary. I actually think a Kamala presidency will be good for that bozo as He will have materials to constantly whine/lie about and grift his minions with.

They will probably get a stop the caravan, build the wall and ban LGBTQ merch, music videos and movies. His minnions need a target to be mad at
for the grift to work

whereas He can't do that if trump's in office. "your guy,trump's the president, why is he not doing anything about it, we are still sending billions overseas in foreign aid and where are the reparation cheques"
The grift never stops you just move the goal posts and keep it moving

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
Immigrants are restricted from most state and federal assistance programs. They pay billions in taxes annually* but cannot access these benefits, which is why some states have set up limited programs specifically targeting them, while others open up access to some of the same programs that citizens access. The program in question is one of those; it is simply removing the barrier of immigration status, but does not mean undocumented immigrants will become a priority. Citizens still have robust access to a wide range of state and federal assistance programs that they don't. There are programs that center Black people too. I agree that Democrats don't do enough for Black people, but it's factually incorrect that they help immigrants more. Tariq is spreading misinformation, and we should continue to expose these falsehoods.


Undocumented immigrants in California contribute a significant amount to the state's economy through taxes. Estimates vary, but according to a 2017 report from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), undocumented immigrants in California paid approximately $3.2 billion in state and local taxes annually.

Amerikan Melanin

Dec 16, 2014
Immigrants are restricted from most state and federal assistance programs. They pay billions in taxes annually* but cannot access these benefits, which is why some states have set up limited programs specifically targeting them, while others open up access to some of the same programs that citizens access. The program in question is one of those; it is simply removing the barrier of immigration status, but does not mean undocumented immigrants will become a priority. Citizens still have robust access to a wide range of state and federal assistance programs that they don't. There are programs that center Black people too. I agree that Democrats don't do enough for Black people, but it's factually incorrect that they help immigrants more. Tariq is spreading misinformation, and we should continue to expose these falsehoods.


Besides sales taxes what taxes are undocumented workers paying since most get paid in cash?

They shouldn’t be eligible for ANY programs including healthcare. Their children shouldn’t be allowed to go to our schools etc.

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
Besides sales taxes what taxes are undocumented workers paying since most get paid in cash?

They shouldn’t be eligible for ANY programs including healthcare. Their children shouldn’t be allowed to go to our schools etc.
While it's true that some are paid in cash or 'under the table,' a substantial number are still paid like everyone else, though they have to use an ITIN to file taxes since they don't have Social Security numbers. They also pay property taxes, either directly or through rent.

If you're paying into the system, you should be able to benefit from it too. However, in the vast majority of cases, they can't, which is why these limited programs are created. Undocumented immigrants don’t receive more than citizens, nor do they get special treatment compared to citizens. There's nothing that benefits them over citizens.

@Voice of Reason - You should change your name to 'voice of foolishness' because you're not a reasonable person.