Tariq Nasheed breaks down the ideologies of self-hating black women(Stacey Dash)

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
Black people have playing victim for a while. I don't think it's working.

Don't hold black people accountable, we have a reason for everything. In the 70s, "the white man was holding us down", in the 80s "the white man keep giving me these crack pipes", in the 90s "we protectin' our community from the white man by joining these gangs", in the 00's "my daddy wasn't there. It's his fault". I wonder what the reason for the 2010s will be.

If black people always have something to fall back on, a reason as to why shyt can't get on track, what exactly makes them push to succeed? Your line of thinking doesn't work because it places people in a perpetual hamster wheel of someone to blame, stopping them from taking any accountability, responsibility, or power of their own, Black people are "vegetables" in a sense. You want to create generations of people who think they don't have the ability to control themselves/their outcome. But I guess in your line of thinking, you'd prefer for black people not to have power huh? :laugh: You call me an apologist, but I'd rather be that than a black man who gives his power and teaches others to give their power to a white power structure.

This idea of being "victimized" doesn't seem to be helping black people, but rather good at taking away their hope, ambition, and very good at having them become settled and comfortable in their situations. Keep being a "victim" though.

I frankly don't care if you think I'm an apologist, because I'm anything but. :yeshrug: I'm 100% sure I've stood toe-to-toe with more white people than all of you ever have. I ain't no e-revolutionary typin' on a keyboard for justice like y'all.
What does any of this have to do w/Stacey Dash endorsing Mitt Romney


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
What does any of this have to do w/Stacey Dash endorsing Mitt Romney

:wtf: Does the video (the actual topic) in the OP have to do with Stacey Dash and Mitt Romney?

nikka, if your dumb ass wants to address something, address that you've been having a dialog on two completely different and unrelated subjects (and defending your stance horribly by the way) Not the dudes who are actually discussing the topic and who understand the 2 topics aren't similar/related.


May 1, 2012
Black people have playing victim for a while. I don't think it's working.

Don't hold black people accountable, we have a reason for everything. In the 70s, "the white man was holding us down", in the 80s "the white man keep giving me these crack pipes", in the 90s "we protectin' our community from the white man by joining these gangs", in the 00's "my daddy wasn't there. It's his fault". I wonder what the reason for the 2010s will be.
There you go ashy mouth, now you're being real showing those true colors. I've never said that the white man was keeping anybody from doing anything. The only thing that I've said is that white supremacy is a fact of life and ignoring it only perpetuates it. It's not about "playing victim", it's about understanding that you are a victim and will continue to be a victim if you don't avoid the traps that are set up for you. Like I said, most blacks don't understand how fundamental white supremacy is to our society. Most blacks are ignorant and don't realize how we are being victimized. Most of us don't even understand what institutional racism is. I clearly said that white supremacy is not an excuse but that didn't stop you from trying to misrepresent my position. You derserve a pat on the head boy.

If black people always have something to fall back on, a reason as to why shyt can't get on track, what exactly makes them push to succeed? Your line of thinking doesn't work because it places people in a perpetual hamster wheel of someone to blame, stopping them from taking any accountability, responsibility, or power of their own, Black people are "vegetables" in a sense. You want to create generations of people who think they don't have the ability to control themselves/their outcome. But I guess in your line of thinking, you'd prefer for black people not to have power huh? :laugh: You call me an apologist, but I'd rather be that than a black man who gives his power and teaches others to give their power to a white power structure.
Look, the truth is the truth. Denying the truth never does anybody any good. You sound silly. You're also either stupid or dishonest. Did you not read me say "racism is no excuse"? If you did, then why act as if I said that racism was an excuse for us not to succeed? Let me say this again for you, I'm not saying that white supremacy is an excuse, I'm saying that it's a fact of life that we must overcome in order to succeed. I understand that you may not be too bright, but don't quote me if you're going to ignore what I'm actually saying so that you can respond to some strawman argument that you've made up.

This idea of being "victimized" doesn't seem to be helping black people, but rather good at taking away their hope, ambition, and very good at having them become settled and comfortable in their situations. Keep being a "victim" though.
Blacks(in general) don't think that we are victims, we think that we are inferior. Our society has taught us that we aren't shyt so we never aspire to be shyt. Our society has taught us that black people are less than in every way, and we have bought into the hype. That's why there is little hope and ambition in a lot of our communities. Black men think that they are supposed to go to jail instead of college. We think that our lives are of less value than white peoples'. Again, we generally don't even understand that we are victims of a system that is set up for us to remain at the bottom. If we understood that as a whole, then you'd see a lot less of us playing along. We have ben tricked into believing that because we no longer have to ride in the back of the bus or use "colored only" water fountains that the oppression of our people is over, and that we are in the position that we're in because we're inferior. I'm telling you that that's not true.

I frankly don't care if you think I'm an apologist, because I'm anything but. :yeshrug: I'm 100% sure I've stood toe-to-toe with more white people than all of you ever have. I ain't no e-revolutionary typin' on a keyboard for justice like y'all.
You obviously do care since you mentioned it. If you truly didn't care about being called an aplogist then you wouldnt have acknowledged it. An apologist is exactly what you seem to be, and the 1st part of this post is 100% c00n-speak. The 1st portion of this post is dripping with self hate/, if you're even black. You're most certainly a captain save a cracker.


Eterno Menino
Apr 30, 2012
Eu Sou O Segundo
Black people have playing victim for a while. I don't think it's working.

Don't hold black people accountable, we have a reason for everything. In the 70s, "the white man was holding us down", in the 80s "the white man keep giving me these crack pipes", in the 90s "we protectin' our community from the white man by joining these gangs", in the 00's "my daddy wasn't there. It's his fault". I wonder what the reason for the 2010s will be.

If black people always have something to fall back on, a reason as to why shyt can't get on track, what exactly makes them push to succeed? Your line of thinking doesn't work because it places people in a perpetual hamster wheel of someone to blame, stopping them from taking any accountability, responsibility, or power of their own, Black people are "vegetables" in a sense. You want to create generations of people who think they don't have the ability to control themselves/their outcome. But I guess in your line of thinking, you'd prefer for black people not to have power huh? :laugh: You call me an apologist, but I'd rather be that than a black man who gives his power and teaches others to give their power to a white power structure.

This idea of being "victimized" doesn't seem to be helping black people, but rather good at taking away their hope, ambition, and very good at having them become settled and comfortable in their situations. Keep being a "victim" though.

I frankly don't care if you think I'm an apologist, because I'm anything but. :yeshrug: I'm 100% sure I've stood toe-to-toe with more white people than all of you ever have. I ain't no e-revolutionary typin' on a keyboard for justice like y'all.

I agree wholeheartedly with this post.

However the only people that have this victimized line of thinking are the bums that haven't amounted to anything and need a scapegoat. I bet if you look at every male poster on this board that constantly complains about "being held down" or being "victimized by the white man and black women" they all probably still live with their parents or have some menial dead end job and are barely scraping by. These losers are the equivalent of the white people that constantly blame "Obama and the freeloading welfare queens" for why they're struggling in life.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
Gravity, I ain't respondin to your post or reading it. Don't have the time, especially not for powerless people. :yeshrug:

I agree wholeheartedly with this post.

However the only people that have this victimized line of thinking are the bums that haven't amounted to anything and need a scapegoat. I bet if you look at every male poster on this board that constantly complains about "being held down" or being "victimized by the white man and black women" they all probably still live with their parents or have some menial dead end job and are barely scraping by. These losers are the equivalent of the white people that constantly blame "Obama and the freeloading welfare queens" for why they're struggling in life.



May 10, 2012
nikkas seriously care about Hollywood folks opinions though, most of those folks are dumb as hell, don't let folks having money and being on a screen fool you


May 3, 2012

This may sound crazy to some people, but there is a difference between acknowledging the facts and using those facts as an excuse. Institutional racism is real. It has been real and will continue to be real. The weak-minded individuals in this thread who automatically connect speaking facts with using it as an excuse are setting up some nice-looking strawmen for them to knock down later. Those kind of logical fallacies may fly on the Coli but not in any place where people actually know what they're talking about. You'll be hardpressed to find a successful, intelligent black person who doesn't agree that blacks have an empirical disadvantage. It doesn't mean to give up, but those are the facts. Whether a person uses it as motivation or as an excuse varies by the individual.

The Hidden Color documentary has nothing to do with white people as far as I know. Just a look throughout history, in addition to an acknowledgement that some of this info was indeed hidden. I'm not a Tariq Nasheed fan and didn't even watch the doc because I know some of the info in the DVD is of legitimate dispute, but the argument the sister had wasn't relevant to Tariq or the DVD. She had a talking point she wanted to get in and used Tariq as a target for them, and ended up making a fool out of herself. I'm not sure if I even agree that we as blacks should be careful with how we approach such media to avoid turning off whites, because the DVD wasn't made for whites in the first place, but even if that point (as well as other points she made) was objectively true (and it very well could be), the argument was still shoehorned in and had no place in the discussion, which made Tariq's conclusion that she may have 'White Daddy Syndrome' (as crass as it sounds) possibly valid. I'm not sure what the facts are, but from my perspective it sounded like she was defending something that wasn't even being attacked (white people).


May 1, 2012
I agree wholeheartedly with this post.

However the only people that have this victimized line of thinking are the bums that haven't amounted to anything and need a scapegoat. I bet if you look at every male poster on this board that constantly complains about "being held down" or being "victimized by the white man and black women" they all probably still live with their parents or have some menial dead end job and are barely scraping by. These losers are the equivalent of the white people that constantly blame "Obama and the freeloading welfare queens" for why they're struggling in life.
Get some self esteem man. People who are scared of the truth are just a miserable bunch. It really must be tough going through life that way. It's obvious that you're projecting here but don't worry, that black cloud can't follow you forever. My response to the nonsense that you just posted comes in the form of 1 question, do you think that white supremacy institutional racism is real or not? Your answer will tell us everything that we need to know about you.
Gravity, I ain't respondin to your post or reading it. Don't have the time, especially not for powerless people. :yeshrug:

This repsonse didn't come as any surprise. I figured you to be a weakminded coward. You didn't respond because you can't respond. You haven't responded to anything that I've actually said anyway. All you've done is misrepresent my position and build strawman arguments. No skin off of my teeth, you clearly aren't worth engaging. :youngsabo:


Eterno Menino
Apr 30, 2012
Eu Sou O Segundo
Get some self esteem man. People who are scared of the truth are just a miserable bunch. It really must be tough going through life that way. It's obvious that you're projecting here but don't worry, that black cloud can't follow you forever. My response to the nonsense that you just posted comes in the form of 1 question, do you think that white supremacy institutional racism is real or not? Your answer will tell us everything that we need to know about you. This repsonse didn't come as any surprise. I figured you to be a weakminded coward. You didn't respond because you can't respond. You haven't responded to anything that I've actually said anyway. All you've done is misrepresent my position and build strawman arguments. No skin off of my teeth, you clearly aren't worth engaging. :youngsabo:

Nope I have a good job and a good life I have no need to play the victim role and blame the evil white man or black women for anything. Losers like yourself feel the need to believe in clowns like Nasheed because they make you believe that your shortcomings somehow aren't your fault.

However let me tell you the reason you're a failure is because of the man in the mirror. It's not the white man, black women, me, or anybody else's fault. Once you accept that you're a loser you can start to make changes and better yourself. Losers like you exist in every race. Blaming the white man for your problems is no different than the redneck that blames Affirmative Action and "the negros getting government handouts" for why they can't get ahead in life.

Northern Son

Oct 30, 2012

The Olmecs were their own people. they preceded a lot of the more familiar Mesoamerican cultures. Ever heard of genetic drift? Lots of non-blacks share our features man.


Guess this guy's African too (broad nose, full lips).

There's no evidence of Africans traveling to the Atlantic willingly whatsoever and none of these so called brothers' descendants seem to exist.


We have amazing civilization in Africa and a splendid history in the diaspora we don't need to claim the Olmecs' history.







new love, same neurosis..
May 4, 2012
just listened to the whole thing..

blacks are a tragic race..breaks my heart man..:to:


Dade County carol city
Apr 30, 2012
Carol city
The Olmecs were their own people. they preceded a lot of the more familiar Mesoamerican cultures. Ever heard of genetic drift? Lots of non-blacks share our features man.


Guess this guy's African too (broad nose, full lips).

There's no evidence of Africans traveling to the Atlantic willingly whatsoever and none of these so called brothers' descendants seem to exist.

:what: :what::what::what::what: