Tariq Nasheed breaks down the ideologies of self-hating black women(Stacey Dash)

Apr 30, 2012
Stacey Dash is entitled to have her own opinion and views in 21st century America under the 1st amendment.

No comparison to the plight of black woman 1865 and prior. The "black wench" so to speak was a survival mechanism just like the house negro male slave acting as butler.

To me Dash was voting based on her economic interest and not because of trying to appease the "white man" (i.e. white establishment). Obama clearly wants to increase taxes on those making over 250, 000 per year.

What she did was brave to me considering Hollywood is a very liberal industry.

Finally nobody ever mentions she voted for Obama in 2008 but she has now changed her views which is her right to do.

If I was her, I would have never said it publicly due to preconceived notions about who black people should vote for in the past two elections. It is not a good PR move.

This rational is what's dangerous about society categorizing and the dynamics of being an "informed" voter. Don't fall for the stereotype that mostly rich folks vote Repub and mostly poor Demo

Both sides have rich mofos
Both sides cater to the interest of the rich on social and business issues
Both sides have lower tax bracket voters voting against their interest

It has already been proven a myth and stereotype by the actions and propaganda spewed by various super PACS that white folks with money don't vote exclusively to protect their pockets, while ignoring social issues. But then you have a minority with money, claiming to be voting/investing to campaigns based solely about taxation and their investment, is troubling and contributes to imbalance of wealth among races

So when you have no counteraction by rich minorities to rich white folks voting/investing to campaigns to improve both their political influence and socio-economic advantage, then the wealth gap will continue to widen. Despite white folks being the "minority," It would be another South Africa

That is my problem with Stacy Dash, and other minorities like her, is that her rational for not voting for the president (economics, unemployment) is based on the numbers that reflect how whites are affected. And being a "well off minority", I'm disappointed in her rational because it completely ignores the black / hispanic statistics, and it ignores how the common economic solution preached by Repub (trickle down economics) has already been implemented and proven that it does not affect black / hispanic statistics


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
I stopped reading right here because you're obviously confused. This isn't about us expecting white people to care or about asking them for anything. That is what the lady that you're cosigning was doing. She's waiting for socalled non racist white people to convince racist white people to stop being racist. Her whole position is that we(blacks) should be careful about calling white people out or telling the truth about what they've done and continue to do because they may take it the wrong way and get offended or something. She's one of these captain save a cracker. She is the one who cares about what white people think. You're right there with her with your "black people cry wolf too much, that's why our real fears and concerns fall of deaf ears" BS.
Are you fukking DENSE or something, man?
Nobody asked white people to "care". Nobody said anything about white people "caring". THE ONLY ONE WHO INSISTS ON TALKING ABOUT WHITE PEOPLE IS YOU!

You all will say you're not talking about anything that has to do with white people, but your posts do nothing but allude to such as a crutch of your arguments.

All kinds of shyt occurs to the Black community from outside forces and it gets ignored, probably because of how long shyt has been happening.
It's not some black people's fault that white people are racist and dismiss/ignore the effect that their institutional racism has on our communities. It's their fault.

And again, a good portion of her stance was not making black people think they are victims/not wanting black people to take on a victim mentality. Did you all even listen to the video? Or did you just only take Tariq's interpretation of everything she was saying while ignoring her actual words? If you were only listening to his interpretation of everything, I can see how you've come to your conclusion, if you listed to what she's saying though, you see it's not the same.

Y'all can honestly miss me with all that "apologist" shyt cause a thread from now, I'll be the only black dude sticking up for black people (men and women alike) while y'all sit on the sidelines and let the c00ns have a field day.


May 1, 2012
You all will say you're not talking about anything that has to do with white people, but your posts do nothing but allude to such as a crutch of your arguments.

And again, a good portion of her stance was not making black people think they are victims/not wanting black people to take on a victim mentality. Did you all even listen to the video? Or did you just only take Tariq's interpretation of everything she was saying while ignoring her actual words? If you were only listening to his interpretation of everything, I can see how you've come to your conclusion, if you listed to what she's saying though, you see it's not the same.

Y'all can honestly miss me with all that "apologist" shyt cause a thread from now, I'll be the only black dude sticking up for black people (men and women alike) while y'all sit on the sidelines and let the c00ns have a field day.
I never said that my position on this issue has nothing to do with white people(this discussion is about their discussion concerning race), I said that it isn't about us asking whites for anything or expecting anything from them. You need to learn how to read and comprehend my man.

No, that whole "black people shouldn't play the victim role" is nothing but a smoke-screen made to try and hide the fact that she's captain save a cracker. Like I said, we are victims of white supremacy in this country. Again, that's not an excuse, it's just a fact of the matter. Black parents should school their children on what time it is in this country regarding race, and the obstacles that they must overcome in order to succeed. Blacks do our kids a disservice when we don't put them on to this knowledge. Ignorance is the main cause of our self-hate in my opinion. Blacks(in general) don't even realize how fundamental white supremacy is to our society and how it permeates every aspect of it. Our society teaches black people to believe that we are inferior the same way that it teaches whites to believe that. So you need that victim mentality because if you don't realize that you're a victim, you will continue to be victimized. If you're black you have a lot better chance of avoiding the traps set up for you in our society, if you know that they're out there.

And no, I can't miss you with that apologist description because it fits you too well. You've got to wear that my man.


May 1, 2012
must suck to feel like you have to vote for obama if youre black
How many times has this idiocy been repeated? Did black people support Hermain Cain? How about Allen West? How about Michael Steele? We(in general) do not support politicians solely because their black. We know all too well how that "token" BS works. Stop parroting nonsense that you've heard other idiots say.

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
How many times has this idiocy been repeated? Did black people support Hermain Cain? How about Allen West? How about Michael Steele? We(in general) do not support politicians solely because their black. We know all too well how that "token" BS works. Stop parroting nonsense that you've heard other idiots say.

:heh: then why does this thread even exist?


May 13, 2012
I can't believe people actually buy into what this idiot has to say.

How do you go from being a "mack instructor" to casting judgment on other people like your some type of higher authority? This guy is a clown and you losers eat it up :snoop:

i agree. he should stick to what he is known for.


May 1, 2012
:heh: then why does this thread even exist?
I assume that it was made because the OP agrees with the gist of what's being said in the link posted and feels that Stacy Dash is an example. If you're not smart enough to read and comprehend simple english, then maybe you should refrain from commenting.

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
I assume that it was made because the OP agrees with the gist of what's being said in the link posted and feels that Stacy Dash is an example. If you're not smart enough to read and comprehend simple english, then maybe you should refrain from commenting.



Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
So you need that victim mentality because if you don't realize that you're a victim, you will continue to be victimized. If you're black you have a lot better chance of avoiding the traps set up for you in our society, if you know that they're out there..

Black people have playing victim for a while. I don't think it's working.

Don't hold black people accountable, we have a reason for everything. In the 70s, "the white man was holding us down", in the 80s "the white man keep giving me these crack pipes", in the 90s "we protectin' our community from the white man by joining these gangs", in the 00's "my daddy wasn't there. It's his fault". I wonder what the reason for the 2010s will be.

If black people always have something to fall back on, a reason as to why shyt can't get on track, what exactly makes them push to succeed? Your line of thinking doesn't work because it places people in a perpetual hamster wheel of someone to blame, stopping them from taking any accountability, responsibility, or power of their own, Black people are "vegetables" in a sense. You want to create generations of people who think they don't have the ability to control themselves/their outcome. But I guess in your line of thinking, you'd prefer for black people not to have power huh? :laugh: You call me an apologist, but I'd rather be that than a black man who gives his power and teaches others to give their power to a white power structure.

This idea of being "victimized" doesn't seem to be helping black people, but rather good at taking away their hope, ambition, and very good at having them become settled and comfortable in their situations. Keep being a "victim" though.

I frankly don't care if you think I'm an apologist, because I'm anything but. :yeshrug: I'm 100% sure I've stood toe-to-toe with more white people than all of you ever have. I ain't no e-revolutionary typin' on a keyboard for justice like y'all.