I want to say, after Tariq took a L debating a white supremacist and falling in debate traps with Tucker Carlson, someone introduced him to some donors. Who was the in between mediator that helped setup these clown segments? Around the same time, he start making appearances on networks like RT as well. I just find it questionable and the timing of all this. He’s in his 40s and just a short while ago he was damn near a quasi Noble Drew Ali Moorish member, now all of a sudden it’s FBA? What happened to Melanoid nation?
Shocking how people don’t see some of the most obvious blatant hypocrites. I think He wants to ride the Ados wave but didn’t come up with it( but will give it shine and reposts...showing support) .... Notice it’s not in his twitter profile.
At the end of the day people are free to change their ideals as they learn more about things.
The thing I will say thats “interesting” is Tariq is a very petty person. Typically if he doesnt like you and ever calls you out he will never make amends because he is prideful.
Im wondering if he made up with Yvette and Tone behind the scenes because he has dissed them both.
He dissed Yvette after she came at Farrahkhan and the initial fall out she had with Boyce, and people say (i didnt see it) she dissed Dr.Frances Cress Welsing and Tariq claims Dr.Welsing as a mentor and dissed everyone who dissed her after her death.
Yvette also went at Claude Anderson and Tariq is a big fan or student of claude.
Tone and Yvette went hard at Jay Morrison, and Tariq dissed everyone criticizing Jay and had Jay call up his sunday show where they talked down to “haters” of what Jay is doing.
And now its like none of that ever happened lol.
Tariq knows he cant shark the movement so I think this may be why he may be looking to find his own pharases that stick so he can own and trademark the terms and turn things into products.
Tariq has been moving sloppier than usual because he does all this and talks anout “leeches” yet is selling Julius malema t shirts and I think it is safe tonsay he isnt giving proceeds to EFF not trying to reach out to EFF to make moves together.
Tariq has always been about paper and most of us know this and that he isnt a leader. The issue now is some of his stuff is starting to contradict past stances and he hasnt clarified or at least just straight said he has changed his mind on how he felt about something in the past.