Tarantino: ‘ Selma deserved an Emmy”: Update:Tarantino clarifies comment

Mike Otherz

All Star
Jun 7, 2012
remind me what was so good about 12 years a slave again? :why: another lead other than chitewel could have made that flick better and more successful. While serviceable ejifor was born to co star/play supporting. And one of the main problems I had was the struggle faces he displayed as if to say "pity me". John Amos and djimon honsou (who is a weak actor mind you) never had to do that you just felt it because the story and performance stood for itself nothing felt fabricated and forced. Dude was outshone by that slave that ran to his owner for what little screen time he had and lypita. Another thing was the direction, mcqueen did nothing special, it felt very basic and mechanical. And the ending seemed hastily written.

that's by design breh, will never understand how blax can herald django to such a degree when the title characters acting sucked while his character wasn't remotely likeable/rootable. Yet you make the German dude and Leo's characters the most compelling? In a black revenge flick? :what:

yeah thats whats stops me heaping a lot of praise on Django. entertaining but as far as empowering black people, lol, jamie foxx was the least interesting character in the movie. should have had idris play django and have him kill the dicaprio character and also had more for kerry washington role. she was barely in the film.

12 years tone, atmosphere , sense of dread and suffocation, the scenes of lynching were just incredibly powerful. just were. any debates about acting would be irrelevant cause the reality of slavery was shown in a very powerful way. its less of an actors film, more of a directors film. selma is more about the actors, and the cacs were a lil underwhelming. selma was solid, a good film, but as far as being robbed at the oscars hell nah. was a solid respectable type film.

Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014
that's by design breh, will never understand how blax can herald django to such a degree when the title characters acting sucked while his character wasn't remotely likeable/rootable. Yet you make the German dude and Leo's characters the most compelling? In a black revenge flick? :what:

Your issue is more with it following the typical Spaghetti Western formula.

The lead is normally the strong, silent type. The side character and villain are usually the more interesting one.

For example, The Good, Bad, Ugly. Tuco and Angel Eyez steal the show from Eastwood.

But I'll respect the fact that you just didnt like the movie and it wasnt for you. :manny:

Plus if people expected a slave narrative or a Posse type western (in story line, not quality) then I can understand the disappointment.

Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014
yeah thats whats stops me heaping a lot of praise on Django. entertaining but as far as empowering black people, lol, jamie foxx was the least interesting character in the movie. should have had idris play django and have him kill the dicaprio character and also had more for kerry washington role. she was barely in the film.

12 years tone, atmosphere , sense of dread and suffocation, the scenes of lynching were just incredibly powerful. just were. any debates about acting would be irrelevant cause the reality of slavery was shown in a very powerful way. its less of an actors film, more of a directors film. selma is more about the actors, and the cacs were a lil underwhelming. selma was solid, a good film, but as far as being robbed at the oscars hell nah. was a solid respectable type film.

As I put here
Your issue is more with it following the typical Spaghetti Western formula.

The lead is normally the strong, silent type. The side character and villain are usually the more interesting one.

For example, The Good, Bad, Ugly. Tuco and Angel Eyez steal the show from Eastwood.

But I'll respect the fact that you just didnt like the movie and it wasnt for you. :manny:

Plus if people expected a slave narrative or a Posse type western (in story line, not quality) then I can understand the disappointment.

To me the movie is more about white guilt than anything. Having the German dude seeing how horrible Americans especially in the south acted. Also, it was the white guy who loses his composure and ruins everything for Django. The separation from Schultz is what ultimately makes him even stronger to take back his wife by himself. The contrast between the German (who happens to be a denist) who is appalled by the gleeful racist slave owner (who happens to be named Candie :heh:). Then its real villain in Sam Jackson who is the classic c00n who has fought years to protect his status vs. the black man who fights for his freedom and having his own without whites needed.

I think what the film really needed was the original editor (who died) that did his films. She probably would have kept the scenes of Kerry that were cut that added more context to the story.

Roman Brady

Nobody Lives Forever
May 9, 2012
Your issue is more with it following the typical Spaghetti Western formula.

The lead is normally the strong, silent type. The side character and villain are usually the more interesting one.

For example, The Good, Bad, Ugly. Tuco and Angel Eyez steal the show from Eastwood.

But I'll respect the fact that you just didnt like the movie and it wasnt for you. :manny:

Plus if people expected a slave narrative or a Posse type western (in story line, not quality) then I can understand the disappointment.
but in western you can still find leads compelling or rootable, there were points where I rooted for Eastwood cuz he was just a G. And van cleef despite being a SOB. I could never get behind foxx's django (and that's bad considering the film is hinged on his revenge) I could care less if he saved Kerry and his shytty acting didn't help. Quentin failed with that movie I don't buy the it was just following western tropes excuse

Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014
but in western you can still find leads compelling or rootable, when tuco left Eastwood to die I actually

I get it. Part of it Foxx played the part almost too stoic at times. To me the subtext is that Django had it in him all along, but was just being low key for the moment. However, he played the part as though he had an epiphany at the end. That said I thought it was a good performance. Who knows, maybe Will Smith would have been better for it :manny:

Supposedly Tarantino wrote the script with Waltz in his presence. So it had a heavy influence on the script. It's noticeable during scenes when Foxx isnt adding anything to the performance.

He's no Eastwood or Bronson when its comes to not saying much..but having an impact with his expressions. :manny:. He probably should have fought harder to make his character more interesting. But then maybe QT wouldnt let him. Idk :yeshrug:

edit: As far as rootable...the flashbacks were the strongest points. However, they cut a lot out of him and his wife for time constraints. Again, I think the editing could have helped.

Mike Otherz

All Star
Jun 7, 2012
As I put here

To me the movie is more about white guilt than anything. Having the German dude seeing how horrible Americans especially in the south acted. Also, it was the white guy who loses his composure and ruins everything for Django. The separation from Schultz is what ultimately makes him even stronger to take back his wife by himself. The contrast between the German (who happens to be a denist) who is appalled by the gleeful racist slave owner (who happens to be named Candie :heh:). Then its real villain in Sam Jackson who is the classic c00n who has fought years to protect his status vs. the black man who fights for his freedom and having his own without whites needed.

I think what the film really needed was the original editor (who died) that did his films. She probably would have kept the scenes of Kerry that were cut that added more context to the story.

thats fair enough, im not up on spaghetti westerns. i will say QT sold the movie as a film that would give black men a new hero, his own words in an interview. this one i think.

and i will say, even as the strong silent type, jamie foxx was still underwhelming. but thats as you say a trope to these type films. and as spike lee said, american slavery isnt a spaghetti western.

Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014
thats fair enough, im not up on spaghetti westerns. i will say QT sold the movie as a film that would give black men a new hero, his own words in an interview. this one i think.

and i will say, even as the strong silent type, jamie foxx was still underwhelming. but thats as you say a trope to these type films. and as spike lee said, american slavery isnt a spaghetti western.

Oh I get this part. Thats where he was wrong at, he set himself up for that criticism.

However, he was not complete. Because the Django "revenge" really doesnt happen till the last 40 mins of the movie.

I was ok with that because thats how all QT's movies are. Inglorious Basterds was sold as this movie about these group of soldiers about to do work....when really thats only part of the story.

Reservoir Dogs was a heist movie...that didnt focus on the heist. Etc etc.

So I expected to be duped.


Dec 2, 2012
yeah thats whats stops me heaping a lot of praise on Django. entertaining but as far as empowering black people, lol, jamie foxx was the least interesting character in the movie. should have had idris play django and have him kill the dicaprio character and also had more for kerry washington role. she was barely in the film.
django wasn't primarily about black empowerment, it was about violence that was inherent to the foundation of the united states. tarantino basically looked at the appaling, inhumane and glossed over aspects of us history through the eyes of a foreigner.

Jazzy B.

Aug 8, 2013
Still putting these white awards on pedestals instead of Black ones:russell:, some of you won't ever learn:snoop: