The point isn't that she can make money in other ways.
The issue is, if you work a job where certain kinds of people (

) can do the
same job as you and get paid a fair price, get raises on time, or get above and beyond for time spent in the game, you should too.
Imagine you went to work and found out some guy you worked with made twice as much as you for the same job but your boss said "its all good
@Forsaken don't you have a side hustle anyway?"
Imagine if your company sent two employees out for a business trip, and you found out that the guy who just started a year ago is getting his flight and hotel covered and you were paying out of pocket even though you've been there 10 years.
This is the kind of thing she's talking about. And I'm sure your response might be "then I'd quit". Cool. So imagine you quit and apply for another job and the new company ignores your 10 years spent at the other place and offered you a mid-level salary for a top-level job in return. And then someone in your family said "It's all good
@Forsaken don't you have a side hustle? Stop complaining and take that mid-ass salary and STFU"
All she's said is that essentially she's been in the game a long time, her profile and star has risen over time, but she's still fighting for pay like she's new. While watching other people not have to fight those fights.
But for some reason, (mostly) black people have decided that she's just complaining and wants more money for fun.