Yeah he should have just spit in his face
One of the few times this action would be justified..........if this CAC wasn't elderly/disabled.
@Rawtid........good lookin' out on that advice after my wife died.
Hopefully folks learn something off of this story. Dudes post on here all day how they're going to assault someone after getting called a slur. Post videos of cacs and others getting laid out after talking sideways. Cheering, and carrying on. What is never posted is dudes getting charged with assault after the fact. We just conveniently forget that part.
This young breh clearly wasn't thinking. The man is 77 years old and you snuff him like he's in his twenties. Now he's looking at a handful of years or more in the bing. His life is fukked cuz he didn't like the way someone was talking to him. Young boys out here need to think before they act.
Old man should have thought twice before using racial slurs to a man that belongs to a unprotected group that targeted every day for his skin color
Is there a Gofund me for his legal defence? The veteran went into the shop, provoked and escalated a contact. He was obviously close enough to cause harm as he was in punching range.
I'd need to hear the brother's side of the story. Did he feel threatened. Did he see something that looked like a knife.
It WAS Florida....stand your ground should include knuckle sandwiches too
I agree.
Someone getting in your face and hurling racial abuse at you is enough to feel apprehensive.
I feel that what fukks a lot of black people over in these situations is not having a good advocate. They end up saying the wrong thing to the police officer.
The story should go.
"He came into the store, angry. I was frightened . I tried bluffing him but he just continued hurling abuse at me. I thought he had a gun and.... and that he was going to shoot me."
Don’t forget to add that the man was white. Just like they automatically say the race of us without prompting, we need to do the same.
“ 911? thiscacwhite man is threatening me!!!!!”
If thats the case, then every single assault case should be labeled as with a weapon.yes.