Tamir Rice case (12yo boy shot while carrying BB gun) - FULL VID RELEASED on 01/08/15


Docile & dominant @ the same damn time
Mar 29, 2014
Adjacent to the King
ok not for nothin but this is why people say the public has the memory of a fukking goldfish

there have been plenty of stories about young kids - yes KIDS bringing guns to school geting guns at their home and SHOOTING other kids and other adults - wasnt even a month ago some 14 year old kid shot his friends and cousins before some teacher tackled him as he was reloading ?? nooone rememebers this??

so to say that some how the police being called to a person/kid with a gun is suppsed to mean that they are suppsed to know the myrid of things in the back ground that brings that person to be at that situation and somehow wait until the kid shoots at someone or just brandishes the pistol at someone or PROVE they have a a gun when they only have a toy that looks real when you have ppeople calling and saying hey theres a kid with a gun "waving it around "

talk about crazy (talk about crazy, the profile for teenagers shooting up a public place is white male...The dispatch mentioned black male [no age]... stupid comparison)

one person out of what 3 maybe 4 says they THINK its a topy - well if they really THOUGHt it was a toy why are you calling the police/

a DUH becuase it MIGHT NOT BE A TOY and if thats the case then it means its real so you call the police because a kid/man/girl /old person waving a gun and pointing it at people is ...wait for it ...DANGEROUS (wait for it... Ohio is an open carry state...Him having a gun in public can't be classified as dangerous. The cops didn't observe Tamir waving a gun... they didn't know he was even the one with the gun until AFTER they ambushed him)

its a threat - the THREAT is alredy there with him having a "gun" til its proven he isnt a threat

you cant say NOONE else is not around the kid - why? because the police are "around" him and he has a gun (again it is not illegal to have a gun on your persons in Ohio)

with other people around - it means he is a threat

lastly not for nothing but in these modern times - not the 20 or so fukking years ago you guys seems to be in - who the fukk GIVES their kid a replica of a gun?? with mass shootings or just plain old regular shootings being done by kids- esp a black kid
if its damgerous JUST being black and male how do you then say - well imma let my endangered black male child who can be shot by the police with NOTHING at all - imma let him play in a park with somethign that LOOKS like a dangerous weapon around other people - he will be fine - i did it 20- 30 years ago (moot point... clearly the parents are asleep at the wheel. Did the kid deserve to be shot? Hell fukking no)

dudes are like well the cops should know he was just playing he was just a kid he had a replica - they should have watied til he actually shot someone

this kid was a darwin award wating to happen - and it happened

if YOU think its so non threatening to have a replica pistol - why dont you walk around with one - see how it works out for you just around your family


All Star
Oct 30, 2014
so wait the cops should profile now?

and the kid was WAVING around a gun - that looks like a real gun - thats enough of a threat - no its not illegal to have a GUN as an adult - but adult or not you ARENT legally allowed to wave it around and point it at people

lastly its not a moot point - it is THE fukking point - do you deserve to die for pointing a fake gun at people - no - but you damn sure increase your chances to die - esp if you have a FAKE gun in public - which is what this kid did -

dumb descision is a dumb descision - some are benign some are deadly -

again - get a fake gun and jam it in you hip visibly and walk around you house and see how your family acts - if someone in your home doesnt smack the shyt out of you for being stupid you are in need to runaway

if i act like imma punch you or your family and you hit me whose fault is it i got hit? yours ? you somehow should magically have know i was just "playing" or waited til i actully hit you for you to hit me?

dude miss me with that bizarro rationalizing bullshyt


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012


Docile & dominant @ the same damn time
Mar 29, 2014
Adjacent to the King
so wait the cops should profile now?

and the kid was WAVING around a gun - that looks like a real gun - thats enough of a threat - no its not illegal to have a GUN as an adult - but adult or not you ARENT legally allowed to wave it around and point it at people

lastly its not a moot point - it is THE fukking point - do you deserve to die for pointing a fake gun at people - no - but you damn sure increase your chances to die - esp if you have a FAKE gun in public - which is what this kid did -

dumb descision is a dumb descision - some are benign some are deadly -

again - get a fake gun and jam it in you hip visibly and walk around you house and see how your family acts - if someone in your home doesnt smack the shyt out of you for being stupid you are in need to runaway

if i act like imma punch you or your family and you hit me whose fault is it i got hit? yours ? you somehow should magically have know i was just "playing" or waited til i actully hit you for you to hit me?

dude miss me with that bizarro rationalizing bullshyt

Maybe you are responding to me.... you threatening me with a punch and me punching you after your threat, is not the same as you threatening someone else with a punch (minutes before without me seeing it), me getting a text message about your threat then me running up on you and throwing a sucker punch while you are shocked.

Miss me with your bizarre, idiotic, and bullshyt rationalizations... the cops overreacted.... they murdered a child under the guise of police work...

Liu Kang

May 3, 2012
Damn. Cold blooded murder. There's not even 5 seconds between the time the car stops and the kid getting killed.

EDIT : I edited the OP to post a youtube link of the video of the shooting.
Last edited:


All Star
Jun 8, 2012
Atheist for Jesus
@Jutt and @Brown_Pride the crucial flaw in your arguments here was that you began by arguing based on the police narrative...never ever begin to debate a subject like this from the position of defending law enforcement based on their account. Never. You began from the starting point of thinking that it was okay to take a police account at face value before it had been critiqued in a nation were cops police themselves, most reports against police are not investigated properly, and cops lie with impunity in the judicial system.

No one in here should have been arguing based on the police account because the initial account of events like these are never true. It is a fruitless endeavor. It should have just been a discussion about how this is a tragedy and how we hope that when further information comes out that we do not find yet another example of the police killing a black kid. There was a lot of supposition and bad reasoning but the anger that cops should have been able to do something better was completely justified. Basing your argument based on how cops as humans react is ridiculous, cops should not be judged based on how you or I would react.

I based my opinion on what was available at the time stating several times that if information came out showing that things played out differently then I would adjust my opinion based on facts. Everything up until then, as I clearly stated, was subject to change. I still stand by cops being able to defend themselves when threated, what I don't stand by is cops shooting as a first resort as what appears to be the case in the video. That cop fuked up. 2 fukin seconds and the kid is dead.... the cop fuked up.

No one in here should theoretically be arguing about anything until after ALL evidence is on the table if this be the new standard.

Again, If you read what I stood by it was that if you pull a gun on a cop you can expect to be shot, I still stand by that, this is not what looks to have happened here.

For future reference though I will continue to opine and theorize based on what information is available, just as everyone else in the thread did. This time it just turns out that the information i gave an opinion on was incorrect, which again, I fully stated was a possibility I was willing to come to terms with.

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
i dont buy that, the caller clearly says he was pointing it at people, i dont doubt that in his mind he was playing, but i dont see how other people would know he was playing
About that...how far away were these people he was pointing at? Because I saw no pedestrians in the video at all except for the dude sitting on the bench who called the cops and I can't recall if the kid ever pointed the gun at him so it looked more like he was aimlessly pointing his gun and people just happened to be in the vicinity of the park


All Star
Jun 8, 2012
Atheist for Jesus
About that...how far away were these people he was pointing at? Because I saw no pedestrians in the video at all except for the dude sitting on the bench who called the cops and I can't recall if the kid ever pointed the gun at him so it looked more like he was aimlessly pointing his gun and people just happened to be in the vicinity of the park
they have the full video out now and he was pointing it at people...

The cop over reacted why? Don't know. Most likely because white people fear black people. Fuked up.

Sadly, because Tamir was reaching for the gun my money is on the cop being cleared. Cleveland prepare to riot:(

Family Man

May 5, 2012
The police is the new Klan. If someone was to dig into the numbers I bet the cops have killed more black people and got away with it than the Klan ever has.


Jul 6, 2014
Everytime I think youtube commenters have reached a new low of vitriol and ignorance, they manage to surpass themselves. Just WTF at most of the comments on the video
