Austin is the GOAT of good high entertainment fukkery.
One of my aboslute favorite quotes from AustinWhen he said to Farooq: "it ain't a white thang, it aint a black thang, it ain't a color thang, it's a me whooping yo ass thang "
Thats what was so great about him. He was able to do comedy without it being corny, unlike nowOne of my faves not so much a highlight just a good moment of Stone Cold and storytelling, it was the raw before the 98 Rumble. Dude was stunning folks all night randomly
The show ran credits and ended with him getting his ass whooped by The Rock and Savio Vega to his own theme song. It was one of those rare moments where a babyface deserved exactly what they got
Stone Cold for all of his badassery had a lot of classic comedy moments
Austin got Spike Dudley more over than the DUDLEY BOYS ever did