This weeks Supreme Court decision in Shelby County v. Holder overturned Section 4(b) of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which mandated federal oversight of changes in voting procedure in jurisdictions that have a history of using a test or device to impede enfranchisement. Here is one example of such a test, used in Louisiana in 1964.
Beginning at the end of the Civil War, would-be black voters in the South faced an array of disproportionate barriers to enfranchisement. The literacy testsupposedly applicable to both white and black prospective voters who couldnt prove a certain level of education, but in actuality disproportionately administered to black voterswas a classic example of one of these barriers.
The website of the Civil Rights Movement Veterans, which collects materials related to civil rights, hosts a few samples of actual literacy tests used in Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi during the 1950s and 1960s. In many cases, people working within the movement collected these in order to use them in voter education, which is how we ended up with this documentary evidence.
Most of the tests collected here are a battery of trivia questions related to civic procedure and citizenship. (Two from the Alabama test: Name the attorney general of the United States and Can you be imprisoned, under Alabama law, for a debt?)
But this Louisiana literacy test has nothing to do with citizenship. Designed to put the applicant through mental contortions, many of the questions are confusingly worded. If some of them seem unanswerable, that effect was intentional. The (white) registrar would be the ultimate judge of whether an answer was correct.
Try this one: Write every other word in this first line and print every third word in same line (original type smaller and first line ended at comma) but capitalize the fifth word that you write.
Or this: Write right from the left to the right as you see it spelled here.
There was little room for befuddlement. The test was to be taken in ten minutes flat, and a single wrong answer meant a failing grade.
This shyt is crazy. You have 10 minutes to complete this test and you can't miss one, or you can't vote. I'm not saying that it will happen again, but there is also essentially nothing to stop it from happening. I always heard about these tests, but never saw or read one, until now.