TLR in a nutshell.
TLR in a nutshell.
The white man and black woman will be the new gay agenda of 2015. If this becomes a hit, expect another slave movie to soon follow. The next slave movie will show the dynamic of the slave owner and a black female in a non rape manner. Take this sh1t as a joke if you want to but y'all see how oriental men are out here not eating.
There's c00ns on both sides, they all got mental issues imo@ the hypocrisy on this forum.
Niqqaz brag about other races of women all the time labeling them snowbunnies,mamis etc and then degrade their on race by calling them darkies,beasties,darkbutts but get mad when it happens the other way around.
I'm a black dude and i couldn't careless if a black girl dates a white guy, it's none of my business.
TLR in a nutshell.
There's c00ns on both sides, they all got mental issues imo
As for this show
Glad I ain't down with this swirl mess
Dude, it happened... Stockholm Syndrome is a real thing my @ some historical account of a diary mentioning the "genuine and thoughtful" relationship between a slave woman and her master...on some "another side of slavery the world has never known" shyt
shyttin me, when their white daddies come around they drink some act right quickly like its a 5 hour energy shot.Black women need a man to offset their own manliness. White men usually can't do this.