"We are the Fury"
What? Ok.
All it tells me is that euro men and Japanese men ensured that their women had a constant supply of men to marry. These cultures, look down on interracial relationships of both men and certainly women.
They didn't praise one and villify the other. I see black women, I observe how they live in the western world and how they fare in relationships. I understand why dating interracially is something that they should consider more than I did before. Black women however will alwaus prefer their own race of men overall. But I cannot good conscious discourage a woman who finds a good relationship with a man simply because he's not black.
Nope, the data tells us that the "do women have marriage material men?" is a false dilemma and doesn't have anything to do anything. There were consistently fewer men than women in Japan and Europe when the nations were at war, which for Europe was all the time. What happened is that the women just had kids, supported the men and people and kept the population up, just as the men asked. That was their job and they worked splendidly to that end.