Black Americans have been removed from Africa for 400 years they have more in common with white Americans than the cultures you've listed.
Whites have no culture. Black American culture is just an African off-shoot.
Black Americans have been removed from Africa for 400 years they have more in common with white Americans than the cultures you've listed.
20,000,000/168,000= .08%![]()
Black man/White wife - 390,000 vs Black woman/White husband - 168,000
Black man/Asian wife - 39,000 vs Black woman/Asian husband - 9,000
Black man/Other (Hispanic) wife 66,000 vs Black woman/Other (Hispanic) husband - 18,000
Black men are TWICE more likely to have a white wife
Black men are THREE TIMES more likely to have an Asian wife
Black men are nearly FOUR TIMES more likely to have an other (Hispanic) wife
....yet you obsessively focus on Black women dating/marrying White men![]()
not even 1 % of BW have a chance at a WM
Black men c00n it up too but we don't make movies, mags and websites about it![]()
Men like yourself obviously hold black women in very low regard.
.....and yet you belittle black women in each and every post.
How? Because other races don't want you?![]()
Thank you for proving my point.![]()
Not my fault you can't deal with reality![]()
My point proved yet again.
You are the type of guy who is verbally abusive and then turns around asking why your woman is leaving you. Very sick mentality. Far too many black women put up with this type of bashing and think that its normal or acceptable.
Yet we haven't fully separated from the influence of Africa while White Americans proudly cut England off.Black Americans have been removed from Africa for 400 years they have more in common with white Americans than the cultures you've listed.
I promote what's best for black women and that's dating diffrent men are not the majority and do not all want to date black women. It's numbers, nothing more than that.
What? Ok.It's best for black people to date blacks. What's best for black people is also best for black women. Your "numbers" point is a false dilemma. There are majorities AND minorities all over the planet that almost exclusively date within their race (this is historically the norm and commonplace in Asia, Africa, Europe, etc); number is irrelevant. A divided house cannot stand. It never has and never will. Your fake so-called sellout "women" issue is not a problem now nor has it even been a problem in history.
Historically, when European nations went to war, there was always a glut of men during and afterwards. And since European nations were constantly warring and in a state of war, there was semi-permanently fewer men than women in Europe. In spite of this "problem" (which isn't really a problem at all), the Europeans still disallowed, discouraged and denigrated any interracial. Following your logic, white women should have suffered in cac nations where there were fewer men (and no interracial or men brought from outside), but in fact nothing happened as a result but the empowerment, rulership and control of the entire planet. The same is true of Japan when they went to war. These examples just prove what sellouts and morons u wenches are. You don't know shyt about anything.