Ive read her articles cause she used to post on a mb my sister post on. She isn't no worse than some of these cats on here but she definitely comes off like some of these posters IMO regarding IR.
If you say so fam the Internet is a perversion of real life the majority of stuff said here isn't being said offline. You think cats saying cac/cracker this that to whites? You think they calling blacks they don't know c00ns/sambos to their face? You really think groups of cats that don't know each other even having these types of discussions like this consistently. No that's why we come online to talk about this stuff mainly.
Exactly cats talk about IR like the majority of the couples they see on the daily are nothing but IR couples. Maybe they live in England or somewhere else where its more common but in the US its not as bad as online would make you believe.
Exactly man like mothafukkas going to sleep and the next morning their black wife or girlfriend turned white. These jokers see what they want to see. It like this sista I know who can walk through the mall and see three brothas the whole time with white girls. She will then say look at all these black men chasing white girls. I am like what the fukk you talking about. We just done walked pass 45 got damn black men with black girlfriends or wives in this mall and you talking about the 3 brothas with white girlfriends. Just an example how fools rather focus on the negative instead of the positive.