Woo will not win.They need to just give Woo the money and be done with it.
They got some characters this time. Vytas is hilarious along with Keith.
Woo will not win.They need to just give Woo the money and be done with it.
Yeah I already know he won't.Woo will not win.
They got some characters this time. Vytas is hilarious along with Keith.
Best show not named Game of Thrones.Can't no one tell me Survivor isn't a GOAT.
Dude. Did you not watch the pre-game interviews? Spencer, Fishback, Vytas and Kass were the players with the biggest targets on their back. People aren't targeting Spencer because he is a "shytty player". Its because they see him as a HUGE THREAT. Its the same reason why Tina, Richard Hatch, Ethan and Rob Cesterino were the first players voted off in All-starsThis episode confirmed my (and some others in this threads) suspicion that Spencer and Shirin are terrible players. I don't know how you get a second chance and completely s h i t the bed. Looking at you Shirin. All she did last time was complain, cry and wine that she wasn't part of the team/ didn't have a seat at the cool kids table. At her first
f u c k i n g chance, she shuns her alliance member Abi because she thought s h i t was sweet. I almost died when Abi gave her that real because I should have known that she would. Peih-Gee was smart as hell to go with the flow.
This just exposes Shirin as garbage. If her experiences were so traumatic, how could you have zero sympathy in a game where "social graces" can account for a huge chunk of game play and strategy? How do you clown someone within earshot? Especially someone like Abi who has zero trouble operating on her emotions and swaying whichever way they take her? Just complete idiocy and I'm glad she was exposed. And Spencer out here shedding tears because he knows that he's garbage as well. Begging to play for a second time. LOL. I mean, I told y'all he wasn't worn naan and here is proving me correct. There is still time for me to be incorrect but I'm enjoying this regardless.
A killer f u c k i n g episode tonight. GOATvivor is the pinnacle of reality television based competition shows.