Brehs in here need to stop overreacting. You guys are doing the same thing Kovalev stans did when Ward won. There's no robbery when a close fight doesn't go your way, simple.
IMO, Jacobs had all the tools to give GGG problems (athelticism, speed, good amateur background, taller, heavier) and he GAVE THE FIGHT AWAY. His coach was right all throughout the fight :" box and we're winning that easy" but dumb ass Jacobs made the mistake like twice to trade and get touched by GGG at the end of a round thus giving it to GGG in the process

. At the end of the 9th specifically, coach says clearly to Jacobs "you're making it hard, you had that round and you're giving it back by being careless". And that was after he told him "that was close, you made it close, stick to the game plan !" at the end of the 8th !

. Had Jacobs listened to his coach and stay focused on his orders like Thurman did against Garcia, he simply would have won easily

Jacobs started almost all his rounds great but he lost some because he stopped following the clear strategy his coach gave him and repeated every time between rounds. Jacobs' coach was the best thing of this fight as he laid down the perfect blueprint to Jacobs but Jacobs couldn't not follow his instincts at times and that cost him.
Also, brehs may not have noticed but Jacobs falling to his knees while GGG had the poker face and was being carried by Sanchez at the end of the 12th sent the wrong message on that last round. That had his corner screaming him to "stand up !!!

" because they knew a close fight is also judged on looks (see Choc losing to Sor). I had Jacobs ahead 6-5 going to the last round and the last round was close so I was about to score the last 10-10 to make it a draw but when I saw that I thought GGG may have edged that round to a W in the eyes of the judges because of that. Not a 115-112 W of course but a 114-113.
From this fight, it's clear Ward beats GGG easily. GGG cuts the ring very well and has a good distance management but he looks very sluggish against athletic boxers with good footwork. I thought Brook was just a fluke but he looked bad against Jacobs too. Heavier brehs absorb GGG's shots with ease and he doesn't look good in the inside so Ward beats GGG all day, it's pretty obvious now imo. I don't think that GGGis now food to Canelo though. The blueprint to beat him is now clear but as other brehs said, Canelo doesn't have the tools to lay it down. GGG also displayed a great jab in both Lemieux and Jacobs fights. And that jab won it that one closely too so considering Canelo seems bothered by good jabbers, that GGG fight can go either way. Talking about Canelo, I think he's beatable by Jacobs honestly. He looked bad against Lara and Jacobs has more power than him (and definitely enough to make Canelo think twice) and can also be as mobile as him. Canelo is worse at cutting the ring than GGG, Jacobs may pretty much be able to beat Alvarez

... if he sticks to the game plan ! If anything after that Quillin beating and with the display he put on, Jacobs may somehow become an avoided fighter for other 160ers.
Finally, breh in charge of the music tonight was killing it with that 90s hip hop vibe

I also have that feel that Luchini is boxing's equivalent of Party Up in the NBA