God Emperor of SOHH
i dont see what the big deal is
Like a bullet?And what about the quality of additional information within someone's DNA...the code itself is used as an identifying marker, BUT what about the medical knowledge within that same DNA, can a fingerprint be used to make a specific biological weapon against you?0?
and what use would the government use that for?Can a fingerprint be used to determine your medical faults/strengths?
ok first let's say they do tell someone my genetic makeup? Now what? The best scare is a custom tailored genetic assassin? You think the government is going to spend BILLIONS of dollars isolating EXACTLY what makes you you, then finding a way to exploit that by engineering an EXACT virus or microbe that will key on you rgenetic code? For what? Because you post on a message board?Can a fingerprint be used in essence as a blackmail tool against you if the whole world knows your genetic make-up....because I am sure once in their DATABASES, the WHOLE Freakin Government will have access and you know how well they can keep your SS# secure...imagine whn BANKS start using your DNA "number" as your identifying number in all business, public and private...
Police can take your DNA sample upon arrest
How is this not guilty until proven innocent? Don't nikkaz have to have some kind of court order/warrant/legitimate proof before they take your DNA? What if you're a poor black dude, they take your DNA, place it at the spot of the crime, and say it was you who did it? What is going on in today's USA?
Unconstitutional as fukk
If you agree with this on the grounds of "if you don't want your DNA taken don't commit a crime" you are a fukking retard.
how is it that different from fingerprinting?
at people think this is about criminals...the database is for everyone with or without a record.
How is fingerprinting different than a police officer sticking a finger in someone's ass to do a cavity search on the side of the street?
There is a lot of difference.
Can you tell me what kind of private information a fingerprint can lead to? A DNA sample can lead to learning medical and health information about a person without their consent.
lets also remember that dna evidence has proven a lot of people innocent, even overturning many convictions
explain where you think they are going with this because if the government wants your DNA they could get it. Unless you have always been off the grid and never been to a doctor in your life.
1. This is without a warrant proving to be more Patriot Act 3.0 policy.
2. It defies the 4th Amendment...which again is taking away from the people.
3. As explained in the video with the congresswoman said there is a powerful database that will know everything about everyone.....hmmmm
4. Judge Scaila mentioned a person's DNA information will remain in that database even if they are never convicted, even if they are never charged or arraigned.
And they got us by our social security numbers anyway.
Social Security Numbers mean jack compaired to DNA which can break down everything. I can lose a ss card b/c that card isn't identification...your DNA is.
lets also remember that dna evidence has proven a lot of people innocent, even overturning many convictions