You're either missing the point or intentionally avoiding it.
Hillary is irrelevant, it could've been anyone. Not letting a right-wing demagogue reality TV host get to choose Supreme Court justices should be enough of a motive to vote. I'm not a big Hillary fan myself but that was certainly enough motivation for me in 2016. You keep trying to make it about Hillary's personal issues but that's not the point, it's about rational self-interest.
People on the right vote strategically because they know how important the courts are, but people on the left seem incapable of realizing this. That's how we ended up here and people still don't seem to get it.![]()
The average American is emotional. They don't understand being pragmatic. I'm pretty sure i'm gonna quoted by some loser who still doesn't get it, saying I'm a corporatist, an agent or sell out. The fact that some of these posters are in their 30s and 40s and still think a politician is going to change their lives dramatically...to the point that they get boiling mad after they're elected and nothing changes for them. Like breh, how many elections cycles have you lived through and yet you still think this way? When has a politician ever dramatically changed your life for the better? All I need for a politician to do is not fukk up. Not to dramatically raise taxes, not cause the economy to crater and if so, do their best to lessen the severity of it, pass a few bills that benefit my community and maintain some level of stability for our country. That's it. That's all I need. All these cats who handed 2016 to Trump because Hilary didn't excite them enough are retarded as hell in my opinion. Looking for a politician to change their lives, instead of being pragmatic and picking the one that would govern most effectively out of the (real) choices we had. Our collective inability to do that brought Trump in. Gave us years of shameless corruption, a pandemic that was horrendously managed, an uptick in white nationalism and now, a Supreme Court that will buttfukk us for decades.
But but Hilary didn't visit Wisconsin and Michigan.
You really showed her. And played yourself.
Edit: On a side note, that same emotional thinking is what has people wanting the Filibuster thrown out. A part of me understands why Dems would want to do it but, another part of me realizes longterm its dangerous. Republicans are moving 2-3 steps ahead of us and have been for a while. Republicans have to know that by constantly kicking us in the face Dems/Progressives will want to toss out the Filibuster, which means they have a plan for it. We can't even beat these nikkas now with them gerrymandering, ignoring SC and cabinet appointees, then packing the courts and striking down high profile laws. I know they're salivating for when they just need a simple majority vs. a supermajority to pass the worst sh*t they can think of. People just need to STFU, go out and vote in 2022 and 2024, give the Dems a strong majority in both houses, and then what I will agree with the critics on is Dems need to stop being hoes once they get a large majority. IDK how I feel about the filibuster but, Dems at least need to pack the courts, and implement term limits, etc. to reverse what Trump did.