Exactly!Look at this shyt man. A reasonable person would be ashamed to even type this out but not you.
Y’all have to know that women get abortions due to life threatening pregnancies, rape, severe birth defects where the child likely wouldn’t even survive, ectopic pregnancies, etc etc right? The whole point is that women should chose the best option for them.
Like, being pregnant is a serious medical event. Even for wealthy and privileged people, being pregnant is risky. The idea of forcing someone to be pregnant when they don't want to be is fukking insane. A fetus isn't a baby either, but I don't even get into that argument. The bottom line to me is that it's unethical for anyone to step between someone's right to privacy between them and their doctor for medical procedures. Period.
Matter of fact you could say a fetus is a baby (not true, but just for argument's sake) and I wouldn't change my position one bit. You've got the right to medical privacy, and you've got the right to have a private relationship with your doctor to make decisions about your own body.
We are literally the only 1st world country debating this shyt. What Twilight Zone episode is this?!
EDIT: Imagine having a miscarriage where the fetus didn't evacuate and having to try and convince a doctor in one of these red states that you didn't have a back alley abortion, out of rightful fear of prosecution. Also, Missouri just said there's no exemptions for rape or incest. Imagine being forced to carry your rapist's baby. It's unimaginably fukking cruel. I fukking hate conservatives so god damn much. These people hate women breh. It's that simple. They hate women and they want them bare foot and pregnant in the kitchen, where they "belong". And BTW I know you know this, but none of these pro-life fukks give a fukk about any of these kids the second they're born.