smh light work
I just don't get how people ignore a national primary, not to mention the man's own hubris, and self sabotage during that time
not to even wander into how the country was not nearly as left then as it is now and his contempt? disdain? for publicly speaking on black and brown issues
these guys have these little alternative histories all worked up in their heads where Hillary was this puppet master it's frankly ridiculous
I’m not trying to be funny and this isn’t unique to America.
His parents brought him here young, America is all he knows, they forced him to be American and it doesn’t line up with his dreams.
He related to refugees everywhere because he was a refugee.
@FAH1223 is kind of the same way, but different.
Actually the guy who changed his name a lot is too, but whatever.
All this is to say, the thing my ancestors fought for that has been a part of our heritage and family story doesn’t relate.
TLDR, if you aren’t voting for Joe Biden in this election you’re welcoming an oppressive fascist regime.