Corny Batman
Caped Crusader
I actually did vote for Hillary, just like the vast majority of Sanders supporters in 2016 did. In fact, we voted for Hillary at a higher percentage than her supporters voted for Obama in 08. The real disloyal faction of Dem voters is white women. And you knew that, since it's been repeated ad nauseum after each of your lazy attempts at gaslighting.Could've just voted for Hillary but you guys wanted Trump to win so bad
lesson not learned
She should've campaigned in key states she lost. Her hubris cost her. Russian interference couldn't have overcome a vigilant campaign. Obama didn't coast to victory, he had his team knocking on doors until the last minute.buttery males.... so glad we avoided the disaster a hillary presidency would have been....
The blindness of centrist liberalism is what gives way to fascism, not progressive challenges to improve the whole system.