Rebirth is upon Us 2025
Raditz and Goku
Raditz and Goku
Are they building to a Reign of Supermen story?Eradicator
Are they building to a Reign of Supermen story?
Missing the superboy clone
Put his mom in his exes body.
Supergirls show hinted he had a lot of his battles already when he first debut so he may have fought him already Remember this Supes and Lois been together for YEARSJordan
Cause he hasn't fought Doomsday in his Arrowverse timeline has he?
Put his mom in his exes body.
He better get his powers after all this my man been getting the short end of the stick all seasonJonathan givin' his bro free game
Jordan:"so what are we gonna do?"
Jonathan:"we?...go over there & talk to her
He better get his powers after all this my man been getting the short end of the stick all season