The people who ask for this don't actually like the character and think something is "wrong" with himw....making him edgier "fixes him". They did this to most comics in the 90s. We ended up with some of the batshyt stupid Superman runs of all time. Unironically, Batman benefitted from being edgier. It's almost like an all powerful character, who's powerset revolves around being in the sun, works better when he isn't a dark and moody bytch.I've never understood people wanting a darker, edgy Superman, it's actually stupid
Wasn't it hinted that he was actually pushed out of Justice League?
The people who ask for this don't actually like the character and think something is "wrong" with himw....making him edgier "fixes him". They did this to most comics in the 90s. We ended up with some of the batshyt stupid Superman runs of all time. Unironically, Batman benefitted from being edgier. It's almost like an all powerful character, who's powerset revolves around being in the sun, works better when he isn't a dark and moody bytch.
Let's stop doing two things hereI've never understood people wanting a darker, edgy Superman, it's actually stupid
Let's stop doing two things here
Stop bringing up Synder when people diss Gunn. Clearly, we're comparing the REEVES universe at this point... Which leads to..................
Stop saying people want darker SUPERMAN. We said we want a darker UNIVERSE and not CAMPY Marvel shyt that Gunn is known for...............
I don't see anybody saying "Yea we need Homelander style Superman in the DCU"
Death of Superman was one of the best superman runs of his comic book history. its was 90s and edgy like you claim.The people who ask for this don't actually like the character and think something is "wrong" with himw....making him edgier "fixes him". They did this to most comics in the 90s. We ended up with some of the batshyt stupid Superman runs of all time. Unironically, Batman benefitted from being edgier. It's almost like an all powerful character, who's powerset revolves around being in the sun, works better when he isn't a dark and moody bytch.
The people who ask for this don't actually like the character and think something is "wrong" with himw....making him edgier "fixes him". They did this to most comics in the 90s. We ended up with some of the batshyt stupid Superman runs of all time. Unironically, Batman benefitted from being edgier. It's almost like an all powerful character, who's powerset revolves around being in the sun, works better when he isn't a dark and moody bytch.
The Superman comics from John Byrne's run to the return of Superman from his "death" was a great run.
What followed after Supes death gave use edgelord Supermen like the Eradicator and CyborgDeath of Superman was one of the best superman runs of his comic book history. its was 90s and edgy like you claim.
Superman benefits not from being edgy, but from having legitimate struggles to overcome. traumas to deal with. Like the poster above said, a darker world. not a darker superman.
Him being all powerful, having a perfect life, and being ultra kind and happy on top of that makes him boring.
There is a reason most movies about Jesus are about the most dramatic and violent parts of his life, instead of people making movies about Jesus happily being a carpenter and healing people. No they always include the crucifiction parts and stuff too.
You need to read those books. Can't base it off that panel. People generally rate the Byrne and Jurgens run highly.What followed after Supes death gave use edgelord Supermen like the Eradicator and CyborgHatermanSuperman. Superman came back with a mullet and dracos.
Yall cool with Superman running around with the blicky? Because DC thought fans wanted this edgelord shyt an almost every DC character started doing this nonsense.
But the comic writers have somewhat of an excuse. Superman has existed for nearly 100 years and there's almost so many stories you can tell about him before you need to switch things up.
A dark Superman should never be a starting point. He's built on hopeful optimism. You can have character be a boy scout yet be compelling. MCU's Captain America is just that. Marvel accidently made the best Superman movie in 20 years when they released Winter Soldier. He's constantly made fun of for being a boy scout yet the character isn't boring or corny. Wonder Woman (first film) managed to do it too and she was killing ppl, so was Cap. Even the cw Superman is a softy most of the time and is well received.
Why is making a compelling boy scout Superman so difficult if we've seen it been done countless times before. My only guess is, DCU/WB writers, up until recently do not like Superman. DCU fans obviously don't like comic accurate Superman.
Let's stop doing two things here
Stop bringing up Synder when people diss Gunn. Clearly, we're comparing the REEVES universe at this point... Which leads to..................
Stop saying people want darker SUPERMAN. We said we want a darker UNIVERSE and not CAMPY Marvel shyt that Gunn is known for...............
I don't see anybody saying "Yea we need Homelander style Superman in the DCU"
nikka WHAT?Do y'all reread your posts before hittin reply? This is a whole lot of "What I want...." and nothing in terms of facts to back it up