Super Tuesday Primary: Biden wins 9 of 14 states; leads delegate count 637 to 559

Who Comes Out With The Most Pledged Delegates After Super Tuesday?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Apr 30, 2012
Since 1992, we've been under 16 years of Democratic presidents and are currently at 12 years under a Republican. How is that W-L record terrible?
Elections are every 4 years, not 8. Gore, Kerry, Hillary. Obama is the only one out of those 4 that won and he was popular and competitive everywhere but places like Kentucky. I see how you tried to sneak in Clinton.

Ku$h Parker

I'm Nothin Correctable
May 1, 2012
Prime Minister of The Inland Empire
Do you think my father is able to pick up the remote and watch the Hill with fukking Krystal Ball? No you goof. He watches Chris Matthews and Chuck Todd every fukking night. And those a$$holes have been comparing this movement TO THE fukkING NAZIS. My dad was sad last night that Chris Matthews retired. SAD

Stop being disingenuous. Online media and twitter isn't the fukking same and old people who vote democrat watch CNN and MSNBC. The end.

:picard:I feel sowwy fo yo Fadda:troll:

Wonder if Pops is down wit Miss Joy takin that Spot:sas2:
Apr 30, 2012
Naw, don't feel like that, don't ever feel like that. As I have said in a prior post. Elections are about time and place as a nation. Everything that you've mentioned matters. Healthcare costs too much, mostly everyone agrees on that. Unions are not as strong as they used to be 20 years ago. Some of that is globalization and sheer numbers dwindling stateside. However, there is typically a pecking order to the priorities for every election. Most people voting blue just want to see Donald Trump as far away from 1600 Pennsylvania as possible. People like Rex Tillerson feels like 30 years ago. We are just exhausted and want him gone. That is what this election is about primarily. It's best to keep these politicians at arms length, don't get emotionally invested to where you are mentally drained and questioning everything going on around you when they falter because that would mean that you were blinded by some weird light and simply were not paying attention to the things that are usually obvious to see. Politics, like management is all about building relationships and Bernie isn't interested in them. That's why he has only passed three bills that he's written in his entire career in Congress. He's written four books since 2016 though.
What Bernie Really Got Done in His 29 Years in Congress
I'm a black man and just as general principle by living in America, you have to be risk-adverse to some extent and take the best odds, not the long shot. I'm pragmatic to a fault. Republicans stopped Obama from getting a Supreme Court judge but we are supposed to believe, earnestly that Bernie is going to ease all of his platform through Congress? The fact of the matter is that for as long as we are alive, the costs of a Republican president will weigh heavier on black people than most others. I know that black people will have the ear of Biden and will get some stuff done on behalf of black folks. Will it be perfect? No but what really is in politics? If Trump were to win a second term, he's going scorched earth on everyone but you want me and others like me to leave it in the hands of a person who basically passes bills to rename post offices in their home state as celebratory things in all the time he's spent in congress.
Like I said though, all of those things matter, just not as much right now. I'd be perfectly happy with Biden being a one term president and then handing it off to someone that move us to left more, incrementally and not faster than a Ferrari can go from 0-60 because that will never fly with the electorate.
I understand your point. Unions were undermined the moment both major political parties became corporate lapdogs

Browbeating with talking points/narratives every non election year, to then abandon those talking points/narratives for simplified slogans like "it's her turn" and "just beat trump" suggest that all along my views were shallow/facile to begin with. I was just dap/clout chasing until it was time to show and prove aka I was just virtual signaling

If you "keep these politicians at arms length, don't get emotionally invested," then "We are just exhausted and want him gone," doesn't suggest that and only benefits certain politicians, none of the citizens. When citizens claims to be passionate about a cause or victim of a social barrier, but is only willing to meet certain politicians while pretending to be putting pressure on them by exclusively meeting/voting for them, doesn't suggest "keep these politicians at arms length, don't get emotionally invested,"

History is an early warning system. It proves landmark legislation are only passed because of courageous/consistent advocates and risk-taking politicians

If we apply your "take the best odds, not the long shot" to a few attempted or passed landmark legislation, like 40acres and mule, woman voting rights, and healthcare...we'll see the dangers of postponing doing what's right now for the unknown future

I don't do the common superficial identity politics. My uncle always says, "your behavior/actions don't tell me that you view yourself as a target/victim/as being afraid of living under white supremacy."

You hinting at historical hardships for Black folks while making excuses to abandon whatever you claim to be for during an election year, to get an ear, not guaranteed support, of a possible Presidential candidate....but will not attempt to get ear of the current President. That behavior doesn't suggest my position/status in America is dire and I'm willing to do whatever to change it. It suggest the opposite, that you feel comfortable as a Blackman to put your interest aside for the interest of a political party

Some groups eat no matter who in office because they do "keep these politicians at arms length, don't get emotionally invested," by ensuring all politicians know that their interest, thus vote/money, is up for grabs


I'm Lamont's pops
Nov 20, 2016
Straight from Flatbush
Do you think my father is able to pick up the remote and watch the Hill with fukking Krystal Ball? No you goof. He watches Chris Matthews and Chuck Todd every fukking night. And those a$$holes have been comparing this movement TO THE fukkING NAZIS. My dad was sad last night that Chris Matthews retired. SAD

Stop being disingenuous. Online media and twitter isn't the fukking same and old people who vote democrat watch CNN and MSNBC. The end.
This nikka lyin :pachaha:

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012

Ask yourselves one question. Why does this man keep cheering Bernie on?

because trump would crush bernie in the general, and he knows it, and the republicans know it

this country just proved that a field consisting of ONLY DEMOCRATS won't even vote for bernie. but he's supposed to win the general election? :mjlol:

the revolution is over

Joe Sixpack

Build and Destroy
May 11, 2012
Rotten Apple
To sow discord.

He knows that the Democrat base is split and he's trying to drive the wedge even deeper.

The plan is to get bernie bros angry enough to sit the election out.
Very few things in life would bring me more joy then to punch Trump in his face as hard as I possibly could with my entire body behind it just one time:mjcry:


Wearing Lions gear when it wasn't cool
Jun 11, 2012
Lombardi Trophies in Allen Park
I understand your point. Unions were undermined the moment both major political parties became corporate lapdogs

Browbeating with talking points/narratives every non election year, to then abandon those talking points/narratives for simplified slogans like "it's her turn" and "just beat trump" suggest that all along my views were shallow/facile to begin with. I was just dap/clout chasing until it was time to show and prove aka I was just virtual signaling

If you "keep these politicians at arms length, don't get emotionally invested," then "We are just exhausted and want him gone," doesn't suggest that and only benefits certain politicians, none of the citizens. When citizens claims to be passionate about a cause or victim of a social barrier, but is only willing to meet certain politicians while pretending to be putting pressure on them by exclusively meeting/voting for them, doesn't suggest "keep these politicians at arms length, don't get emotionally invested,"

History is an early warning system. It proves landmark legislation are only passed because of courageous/consistent advocates and risk-taking politicians

If we apply your "take the best odds, not the long shot" to a few attempted or passed landmark legislation, like 40acres and mule, woman voting rights, and healthcare...we'll see the dangers of postponing doing what's right now for the unknown future

I don't do the common superficial identity politics. My uncle always says, "your behavior/actions don't tell me that you view yourself as a target/victim/as being afraid of living under white supremacy."

You hinting at historical hardships for Black folks while making excuses to abandon whatever you claim to be for during an election year, to get an ear, not guaranteed support, of a possible Presidential candidate....but will not attempt to get ear of the current President. That behavior doesn't suggest my position/status in America is dire and I'm willing to do whatever to change it. It suggest the opposite, that you feel comfortable as a Blackman to put your interest aside for the interest of a political party

Some groups eat no matter who in office because they do "keep these politicians at arms length, don't get emotionally invested," by ensuring all politicians know that their interest, thus vote/money, is up for grabs

There is a lot to like about Bernie's platform but the biggest, most singular flaw of it is that it comes with Bernie, the person. Divisive, angry and rigid. Not good qualities for a presidential candidate. Biden is going to get more progressives elected down ballot than Bernie could because more people are going to come out for Biden than Bernie. The presidency alone is not the big picture. I live in Indiana, I've long seen how the GOP apparatus goes about its business. Governorships, mayor's, recorders, judges, etc. Not having Bernie at the top of the ticket is less of an indictment of the message than it is the messager. The idealistic reality being sought by many is not going to happen at the snap of a finger. Systemic change takes time. Some things we will see in our lives, some things we may never see. This is just one battle of the war and not the war itself. So, to address your point and those were some good ones offered, I say this. I'm not punting on my beliefs for a quick fix or at the detriment of my ideals. Wanting Biden is not just for the now. Republicans, like they always have though not so cravenly, only care about power. As unlikely as it sounds, this is a starting point for the foundation. With Bernie, moving electability aside, is akin to laying down foundation with the plumbers, electricians, carpenters and bricklayers working on the house the same time. A lot of things going on that will never come to fruition.

Op-Ed: I lost my seat in Congress because I voted for Obamacare. I don't regret that decision at all

In 2010, as a freshman congressman, I stared down the same threats that many Republican representatives face today, and I had to balance what I thought was right versus what I knew was politically advantageous. I was a Democrat representing a red Virginia district. Back then, a vote backing the Affordable Care Act — which Republican strategists had already branded “Obamacare” — meant facing millions of dollars in right-wing attack ads and almost certain defeat at the polls that fall.

My critics were right: I did lose my seat. But I never regretted my vote. Not once.

He laid his job on the line for that vote. Not to mention that the ACA was something that was once considered republican in nature AND got insurance companies to go along with it.

.IN STUNNING PROOF THAT a single vote can doom a lawmaker’s career in Washington, a new review of the 2010 healthcare vote found that 13 Democrats lost their reelection last November because they backed President Obama’s health reform bill. What’s more, it put many other Democrats in jeopardy of losing their seats because it automatically cost them six to eight percentage points even before voting started. [See photos of healthcare protests.]

This was Obama, with all of his political capital, asking people to vote for the ACA when both knew the jobs were going to be lost with that one decision. Now, you want to propose a candidate that wants to do multiple things further to the left and you think people will fall on the sword and vote for these things? Knowing the potential repercussions? Rome was not built in a day pimpin. This is a battle in the war, not the war itself.
Apr 30, 2012
There is a lot to like about Bernie's platform but the biggest, most singular flaw of it is that it comes with Bernie, the person. Divisive, angry and rigid. Not good qualities for a presidential candidate. Biden is going to get more progressives elected down ballot than Bernie could because more people are going to come out for Biden than Bernie. The presidency alone is not the big picture. I live in Indiana, I've long seen how the GOP apparatus goes about its business. Governorships, mayor's, recorders, judges, etc. Not having Bernie at the top of the ticket is less of an indictment of the message than it is the messager. The idealistic reality being sought by many is not going to happen at the snap of a finger. Systemic change takes time. Some things we will see in our lives, some things we may never see. This is just one battle of the war and not the war itself. So, to address your point and those were some good ones offered, I say this. I'm not punting on my beliefs for a quick fix or at the detriment of my ideals. Wanting Biden is not just for the now. Republicans, like they always have though not so cravenly, only care about power. As unlikely as it sounds, this is a starting point for the foundation. With Bernie, moving electability aside, is akin to laying down foundation with the plumbers, electricians, carpenters and bricklayers working on the house the same time. A lot of things going on that will never come to fruition.
Op-Ed: I lost my seat in Congress because I voted for Obamacare. I don't regret that decision at all
He laid his job on the line for that vote. Not to mention that the ACA was something that was once considered republican in nature AND got insurance companies to go along with it.
This was Obama, with all of his political capital, asking people to vote for the ACA when both knew the jobs were going to be lost with that one decision. Now, you want to propose a candidate that wants to do multiple things further to the left and you think people will fall on the sword and vote for these things? Knowing the potential repercussions? Rome was not built in a day pimpin. This is a battle in the war, not the war itself.

If a person is liked while being passionate and uncompromising about something, then we would use different adjectives than you are using for Bernie

Biden is campaigning as the anti-Bernie, thus anti-popular progressive ideas...he has made it clear that it's business as usual, which is reflective of who endorsing him
The reason I referenced landmark legislation attempts/passed is because they were all undermined by business as usual politicians

If it wasn't for Justice Roberts, the business as usual politicians would've defeated Obamacare because of the lobbying by the insurance companies, the greed of business as usual politicians, and gullibility of citizens to vote against their best interest due to propaganda...same climate/reason for failure of healthcare attempt in the late 19 century

There's noway a person who offers popular policies isn't electable, that's propaganda and spin. Trump said the same things Bernie said. The reason why Dems lost seats wasn't because Obamacare, but the realization that Pres. Obama was a business as usual candidate masquerading as a progressive