Put in work on that video editor yesterday. It’s a little tedious converting replay data into video clips and putting it all together but it’s a cool change of pace from the typical gameplay. Here’s a little edit I made from the run of matches that got me into elite smash on 4/20.
Apparently Nintendo’s holding all our posted footage on a YouTube account () and you gotta use the Nintendo online app to find your shyt
That Elite smash been a long time coming .
Bowser is super powerful but if not played real aggressively dude is mad easy to juggle. Was facing a Bowser the other day with my Lucario and did a counter on his fsmash only for him to block the counter with that SAME fsmash. I should have clipped it. Was wild. And yeah, Joker mains are almost out here with the foolery. He's basically everything Shiek mains wanted out of shiek, which is why I didn't want Shiek to get a power buff because to rack up damage like that with that much speed and quick strings and combos, it's terrifying. But here we have Joker who moves at the same speed even with Persona activated.
Made a vid myself of a few of my mains and their confirms.