Yooo Banjo Kazooie was my dream pick but I figured it would never happen. This real deal shyt?
There's great evidence to support both real and fake right now. Can't really say for 100% either way. However from my experience when someone is not able to 100% debunk something it normally turns out to be real.
Points for it to be real
Pic of blank battlefield has never been seen before
People were able to photoshop out the black blur and linked his name to a real linkden page that proves he does work at a marketing firm that has worked with Namco in the past.
The renders for Banjo/Chorus Kids has never been seen before
There was a text leak nearly a month ago on ***** with the same exact characters.
The fact the actual screenshot in question is actually on a mural means for this to be a fake leak the person would of had to print this fake post on a mural(also had to print the battlescreen pic on a second mural) Just seems a bit much for a "Fake Leak"
Points for it to be fake
Obvious bad/blurry quality
The shadows under snake are missing in the leak when they are very present in the official image
No new Pokemon rep when every smash game before has had one. Also this directly contradicts Vergeben track record in where he's been 100% right so far and insists that Inceniroar Ken and a "Square Enix" Rep are the last characters.
Sakurai himself said they will be slowing down on reveals. However if this is true that means we have 5 newcomers and 2 echoes to be announced in a 1 month span which is even more then the last smash direct reveals. That's not exactly "slowing down"