Another heater. Like
@Dillah810 said, Amy was killing that dress. Was it me or did Gina's mom draggin that wagon? Rosa looked fine as well. Only if she had an ass. ****'s efficient/ officiant joke was funny as hell. I like the running joke of Jake & Terry not understanding why people think Capt. **** is so funny. I was dying when he told that story about how he and Kevin got married.
Let me say again that Amy's boobs were batting a thousand. Boyle being awkward when Rosa and Cannon were having a moment was great. And when he said that Gina made him get rid of the "brother-sister sex stuff". Jake killed as well but it was on the more sillier side of things. You hit it on the head
@TheNatureBoy, Too little Cannon for Rosa to be so into him. When she said that she felt stupid for telling her Grandpa that she loved him because he ended up surviving, holy s h i t, LOL.
I'm into that Last Man On Earth show. I was a little miffed that they put another character on the show so early by my interest in piqued enough to keep watching.