Suicide Squad (Official Thread)


Jan 1, 2015
Wow, we knew from previous reports (“Leto ... sent Margot Robbie [Harley Quinn] a dead rat”) that Jared Leto’s portrayal of the Joker in the upcomingSuicide Squad movie would be unbelievably edgy and raw, but Twitter users@boring_as_heck and @swarthyvillain got ahead of the film’s promotional cycle yesterday and put the real truth out there. Now, thanks to them, we’re wondering if the Joker is even a villain at all, or whether the suits who have turned America into the consumerist society against which the Joker is rebelling are the real villains. Don’t read on if you aren’t ready to have your fukking mind blown.









Follow @boring_as_heck and @swarthyvillain ... if you think you can handle the truth about the nuthouse that is our modern society.


May 11, 2012
East ATL
Wow, we knew from previous reports (“Leto ... sent Margot Robbie [Harley Quinn] a dead rat”) that Jared Leto’s portrayal of the Joker in the upcomingSuicide Squad movie would be unbelievably edgy and raw, but Twitter users@boring_as_heck and @swarthyvillain got ahead of the film’s promotional cycle yesterday and put the real truth out there. Now, thanks to them, we’re wondering if the Joker is even a villain at all, or whether the suits who have turned America into the consumerist society against which the Joker is rebelling are the real villains. Don’t read on if you aren’t ready to have your fukking mind blown.









Follow @boring_as_heck and @swarthyvillain ... if you think you can handle the truth about the nuthouse that is our modern society.

:wtf: what's wrong with this nikka


Sep 10, 2015
Dallas, Texas but living in Houston, Texas
Wow, we knew from previous reports (“Leto ... sent Margot Robbie [Harley Quinn] a dead rat”) that Jared Leto’s portrayal of the Joker in the upcomingSuicide Squad movie would be unbelievably edgy and raw, but Twitter users@boring_as_heck and @swarthyvillain got ahead of the film’s promotional cycle yesterday and put the real truth out there. Now, thanks to them, we’re wondering if the Joker is even a villain at all, or whether the suits who have turned America into the consumerist society against which the Joker is rebelling are the real villains. Don’t read on if you aren’t ready to have your fukking mind blown.









Follow @boring_as_heck and @swarthyvillain ... if you think you can handle the truth about the nuthouse that is our modern society.


Gettin' It In
May 23, 2012
Eh his behavior is basically jokers entire rant towards batman in the funhouse at the end of the killing joke, I bet he got on his colonel Kurtz and grabbed somebody unexpectedly and asked "did you know that if is the middle word in life? Well where does the LIE begin?"


May 2, 2012

"My version is basically a guy who’s just pissed off to be there, he’s an angry boy. But ya know, he’s like everybody else, he is a hired mercenary, assassin killer, so you know that paying the right money and he’ll get the job done. And as long as I kept that nature about him that he can in any minute hang you with his ropes or stab you in the back, he is as worse as the Joker and Deadshot and Harley Quinn, that’s the beauty of it, we all filled the shoes of these villainous characters that are hired killers and now we’re asked to go and save the day in some shape or some form, how do you contain that?! Do you know what I mean?!”

But don't expect Adam Beach to be wearing tights and mask like Slipknot in the comics.

"No, not in spandex, I’m kind of in this heavy rope gear, I’m basically like if shyt happens, I’m like the escape plan, I’ll get everybody out of there. Everybody has their skills.”

Slipknot was created by Joey Cavalieri, Gerry Conway and artist Rafael Kayanan and this DC villain first appeared in the comic book "Fury of Firestorm #28" (October 1984), one of his skills is the mastery of ropes. When I asked Adam Beach how those skills come into play in the film and what he went through for training...

"When you researched the villains in the DC comics, everybody’s been through the assassin’s drill of training to kill. My skill is the ropes. Give me a rope and I can fight with it, I can tie you up. They were teaching me a move where if you try to throw a punch, I can use a rope to grab that punch, put the rope around your neck and just drop my weight and it snaps your neck. There’s a lot of martial art skills you can use with the rope and it was pretty cool, man! And I taught my daughter how to use certain moves with the ropes so if I reach out to grab my daughter who’s seven years old, she can trap my fists and spin me around and I can’t move (laugh)

Keep in mind that the actors involved with "Suicide Squad" aren't allowed to reveal too much about the film, WB wants to keep the plot and its secrets intact, but if you think that you're going to end up rooting for these bad guys, Adam Beach said to me that more than that, we the fans will end up wanting to see these guys fight.

"Basically it’s kind of like you wanted to see these skills, so you’re rooting for them to start fighting, so it’s kinda like you get to see everybody’s technique, and that’s where you’re like ‘O, my God! This is crazy!’ But you know, you don’t get to know a lot about the film because we’re all on a secret pact not to tell anybody about the movie, you have to watch it and then walk away going, ‘Yup, that was damn good!’"


May 2, 2012
Time for one last big heist in 2015. A lot of readers asked me about a second Suicide Squad trailer so I went and cased this score. From what I'm told, the following trailer is supposed to be released sometime next month. I'm of the opinion this could be released around NFL playoffs/Superbowl time.

However, a leak of this magnitude, it wouldn't surprise me if this is pushed or scrapped altogether. Then again Warners spent a long time putting this trailer together so it wouldn't make sense to scrap it. Let's get right to it because this is pretty damn cool and original.

According to trusted sources, the following is how it goes down. For starters, the trailer is cut to Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody. I will include the lyrics in bold to help readers understand how it is cut to the trailer.

Is this the real life
Camera pans down a prison hallway, like we saw in footage at San Diego Comic Con. A guard closes the metal window that we see on some prison doors. We see it is Captain Boomerang they close the window on.

Is this just fantasy
We see Harley Quinn drinking tea and reading a book in her cell. She has a jumper on, her hair is up in curls, she has pink fuzzy slippers on as well.

Caught in a landslide
Deadshot is looking out a window from his cell. It is raining outside.

No escape from reality
Diablo is doing push-ups in his cell, another shot of him looking at a flame in his hand. Looking at the tv of a prison camera feed in Captain Boomerang's cell, he's yelling at it. Amanda Waller talks at a dinner table like comic con footage.

Too late
Warner Bros and DC Logo, neon blue and pink, like Harley's colors. Guards in armor running down prison hallway like in comic con footage.

My time has come
Deadshot in his cell, facing the door in a fighting stance, like a boxer. Guards open door to his cell and attack him. He's being held down in what looks like a medical chair, guards hit him in the stomach with a club.

Send shivers down my spine
A guard opens a metal tank, Diablo falls out in a rush of water, he's soaked to the bone. There is then a shot of a medical room, like an OR. Killer Croc is being wheeled in like the comic con footage. Deadshot says "What is this, uh, cheerleading tryouts?"

Body aching all the time
A yellow bodybag is cut open, and Captain Boomerang climbs out and punches one of MANY military looking guys around him. (I'm guessing this is how they get them out of the prison without anybody knowing). Slipknot punches what looks like a female FBI agent holding an SUV door open, then other FBI agents restrain him. Harley pops up and says "Hi boys", she looks normal here. Deadshot and Diablo are in prison jumpsuits with military guys behind Harley.

Goodbye everybody
Sliding doors opens with two military guards. Rick Flagg is now going through Deadshot's file with a normal looking Enchantress behind him. He says "Deadshot. Uhh... shoots people." We then see Deadshot in his suit looking down with guns in his hands. Rick Flagg "Crocodile. He eats people."Croc pulls his hood down. Another shot of Croc jumping out of some water in what looks like a sewer and pulls some guard in with him. A close up shot of Diablo with Flagg voiceover "He burns people." Shot of Enchantress, now looking like a witch, sitting on a bed, finger to her mouth motioning to "shhhh" with Flagg voiceover "You're possessed by a witch." Harley laughing behind bars, Flagg voiceover "And she's just crazy." Shot of Harley, from the same outside shot we saw early saying "What was that?" We see a shot of the military guys outside. Back to Harley "I should kill everyone and escape? Sorry... it's the voices." Cut back to Slipknot, then back to Harley"Hahaha I'm kidding. That's not what they really said." Another shot from earlier where we see Deadshot and Diablo out in the in the compound with the military guys (it is daylight during this scene). Flagg "This is the deal." Shot of helicopter flying through city around dusk.

No. We will not let you go
We see the helicopter under attack, troops on the ground and there is lots of damage to buildings and vehicles. Flagg "You're going somewhere very bad." We see a humvee that is destroyed, almost looks melted.

We will not let you go
Inside of helicopter cabin, we see it being at at from the ground. Then we see a hero shot of Deadshot, Katana, Diablo, Captain Boomerang, Rick Flagg, and Harley Quinn. Flagg "You do something that'll get you killed." Captain Boomerang and Slipknot share an exchange of looks of concern. A camera follows Flagg and Deadshot and they lead people inside a building, guns raised.

We will not let you go
A large group of military guys coming into the same building from the last shot. We see a subway platform that has been destroyed, much like the street of earlier. Deadshot slides on his kneed towards camera firing his guns up in the air, Flagg firing his assault rifle behind him. We see Harley going up a glass elevator from the ground, she's got a baseball bat in her hands and she's waving to the ground.

Let me go-oh-oh-oh-oh
Deadshot says "Lets go save the world" with Flagg right next to him, standing by a fire. Harley shooting some guns, Deadshot shooting, Captain Boomerang attacks a monster (helpers of Enchantress once she turns). Croc slams a monster to the ground.

No no no no no
Harley blows hair from her face, in that sexy way girls do. Joker is wearing a gold jacket and slaps some guy in the face, and says "I can't wait to show you my toys."

Mamma Mia, Mamma Mia
(There are a bunch of quick cuts here) Deadshot attacking, Joker laughing with what looks like a gun in his hand, Joker pulling on a light, Joker driving in his car (like comic con footage), Joker laying on the ground around HUNDREDS of knives and guns and other sorts of weapons. A big explosion, Deadshot loading clips and takes aim, Diablo yelling, the pace slows down as we see Captain Boomerang open a can of beer and take a drink, Katana's eyes turn completely black, Harley dancing sexy in a club, helicopters shooting

(Then the screen goes black with the following words, in Suicide Squad font)

Military guys fist bumping

Incubus destroys subway train (he is a character that Enchantress creates, and is completely CG)

(Queen) So you think you can stop me and spit in my eye

(more quick cuts) Joker pulls a gun on a guy, which a henchman behind him. Croc grabs Katana. Normal looking Harley (before transformation) slams arms down on a table. Big fight in the street at night. Enchantress before her change. More quick cuts of all the characters. A topless Joker diving into a chemical tank. Joker pulling Harley out of chemical tank.

Oooooh baby
More quick cuts of characters. Harley jumps to a rope. Harley smashes the window of a department store at night, startling the group. She walks into display and pulls out a bag/purse. Flagg"Seriously, the hell is wrong with you people?" Harley puts on purse and rolls her eyes "We're bad guys. It's what we do."

Nothing really matters
Suicide Squad logo

To me...
So there you have it guys. Pretty cool and original don't you think? Chime in your thoughts below.

Suicide Squad gets released in theaters on August 5th, 2016.