Study reveals toxic air in nyc subway harms blk ppl the most

Soylent Greenz

All Star
Dec 15, 2016
A reminder to both sides clowns the republicans want to dismantle the EPA that prosecutes polluters, and remove all the regulations that help to protect the environment all for corporations

Your an idiot,the government themselves released the toxins into the subway system,and probably are still doing so,they usually release the data years later after multiple FOIA requests,these are programs and studies undertaken by various facets in the intelligence communities/agencies,and is done regardless of what political party is in the white house.

True power is formless,and has no true shape,rather it shifts and takes the mold of whatever is needed at the time.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
How do we combat this, I think more jobs need to be available in the outer boroughs

Honor your melanin for starters if you happen to be a black man. Although everyone has it in some form.

"Before discussing detailed studies, it is important to highlight two themes that pervade this literature: the ability of melanin to serve as a reservoir for metal ions – enabling storage, release and exchange – and the ability of melanin to strongly bind and sequester reactive metals thereby mitigating their possible role in inducing oxidative stress.1,9–11 We will refer back to these functional roles as we explore the physical measurements that have been reported.

Natural melanins are associated with a number of metal ions and have the capacity to accumulate metals.1,2,6,7,9,11,31–33 It is intriguing that a strikingly high concentration of Ca(II) and/or Zn(II) is observed in pigmented tissues.1,7–9,11 While the capacity of melanin to bind Ca(II) or Zn(II) is high, as much as ~ 1.5–1.6 mmol/g 34 (because the molecular weight of melanin is unknown, concentrations will be expressed in terms of mass (g) of pigment), its affinity for these two metal ions is only moderate.1,10,35 This combination of high binding capacity and medium binding affinity to Ca(II) and Zn(II) enables melanin to accumulate these two metal cations and then, under certain conditions, to release them. Thus, the first biological role ascribed to metal binding to melanin is one of serving as a reservoir for Ca(II) and Zn(II).9,11

In contrast, heavier metal cations, e.g., Fe(III) and Cu(II), bind tightly to melanin.1,4,10 It is well known that Fe(II) and Cu(I) can cause damage in biological systems by catalyzing Fenton reactions. By binding iron and copper, melanosomes sequester these metals, protecting them from reduction by cellular components and subsequent induction of oxidative stress.1–8,36–38 Thus, a second important biological function ascribed to metal binding to melanin is its ability to sequester reactive metals.

It is fascinating to consider then that melanin can act both as a metal reservoir and a metal sink, the behavior depending on the specific metal. One of the goals of this article is to present the current understanding of how the pigment differentiates the metals, and whether the presence of specific metals influences the ability of melanin to perform this dual function"

Short version,melanin acts as a filter. Metals and toxins bind to the melanin. Then releases it slowly back into the body over time to lessen the damage. We strongly reccomend you do a deep dive. While it is a blessing,due to the way toxins bind to melanin, if you are constantly exposed but arent getting sun,eating shyt. You are overworking your melanin,and there is an increased need for more of it. So you also have the capacity to retain bullshyt in your body for longer periods, If you arent giving your body time to release it,before bombarding it with more bullshyt.

But yall can laugh and mock the knowledge if youd like as well. Write it off as psuedo,"dusty" hotep nonsense.Meanwhile the white man is doing extensive study. Melanin has been found to inhibit viruses like HIV,West Nile and even covid. This is going to be very important with the uptick in viral infections thats expected. Its the biggest threat to humanity in the coming years. Tried to tell yall about this during the covid crisis. But i was too busy being banned and getting warning points. But all will be revealed in time like a Debarge record:respect:

Space Cowboy

Allahu Akbar
Mar 11, 2022
Guessing more black and hispanics are in the train regularly
No it’s more like blacks and Hispanics live in outer Burroughs so the train is delayed and you’ll be down there waiting for thirty minutes because of a train delay. Whites and Asians are closer to the city so even a minor delay is less of a big deal.

I used to live in Flatbush and it would take fourty minutes to get to the city (Manhattan) often and that’s without delays. Imagine commuting from Queens.


aka bx_representer
Apr 30, 2012
My Pops Forever RIP
some of those stations are 100+ feet deep in the system with elevators being the only way to get out.

add to the fact that black + brown people live in the outer boroughs and you have this perfect storm.

but look at this WTC concourse :ohlawd:



All Star
Dec 23, 2016
Yea nobody is walking borough to borough,that isn't feasible.

The air pollution in the subway is TERRIBLE,people are inhaling steel dust amongst other things,the ventilation is terrible,and this is not even mentioning the experiments your own government has been conducting on you by pumping chemicals into the system.

I no longer operate trains but I can recall many a time smelling odd chemicals down there and feeling light headed,I tell all the new hires to wear respiratory masks when they are at work nowadays.

I understand. That's kind of scary that the smell of chemicals was so strong you needed to wear a mask... on a subway at that. Why do you think they're conducting these sort of experiments down there, knowing how many people have to take the subway around the city?