Study: republicans are obsessed with transgender potn.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
So this person fantasizes about particular people doing gay stuff…waiting “patiently“, even…and he’s the one who is well-adjusted?

I doubt anyone would call Christopher Hitchens "well-adjusted", but exactly who you trying to run interference on right now? Was he wrong, or did you just happen to be in an "attack the messenger" mode?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I never come across Trans and gay stuff except on here. TLR is littered with multi page topics about it.

A lot of guys in the closet on here. My personal opinion live your truth.

And stop the fukkery.

Where are the TLR Republicans at?:mjgrin:

The similarities between TLR and the GOP become more striking every day. :wow:

@Bunchy Carter is the prototype, for two straight years he's been repeatedly accusing my of being gay based on my knowing there are gay people in Indonesia. He's also obsessed with saying how he supports Donald Trump because he doesn't support the gay agenda (even though, strangely, Trump has always been pro-LGBT).

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
@Bunchy Carter wants to support Trump because of the "trans agenda":

The agenda is real:francis:

I rather have Trump in office, than this:hubie:

Yeah I support trump
I have no problem with Trump in office.
I'll vote Trump before I vote for Kamala.
I like Donald Trump also

Yes I do prefer open White Supremacists

Repeatedly making Trans threads or jumps in to post new material in trans threads that he's clearly researched himself:

Randomly accuses me of being gay because I know that trans people in Indonesia exist (though I've never even been there):

Bro you hang out with men who have sex with other men, I question your sexuality, your most likely have been buck broken:
I'm not even sure what you are referring to, you're either confusing me with someone else or created a weird narrative in your own head. Trump losing the election has you flailing, you don't have a favorite white supremacist to cape for anymore.
I'm not confusing you with nobody else. I quoted your post. You are friends with men who have sex with other men, so I question your sexuality. I believe you have been Buck Broken:

You made that post in a thread about 2 Men In Indonesia Who Were Publicly Beaten For Having Brutal Gay Sex. Here is the link to you post:

Two Men In Indonesia Publicly Beaten For Having Brutal Gay Sex
You can't read for shyt. :mjlol:

My friends from Indonesia told me that a gay/trans scene exists there. They were part of an international Christian aid organization that I was also affiliated with, they weren't affirming the Jakarta scene or saying we should join it. :mjlol:
Your from an International Christian Aid Organization who goes to Indonesia to help gays and trans and your friends, who go and saves gay and trans women, asked you to join in on the fun....Alright nikka that makes complete sense:pachaha:

Do you nikkas take condoms and holy lubricant with your bibles when you save the gays and trans women in Indonesia :russ:

There are gays and trans in Africa, why didn't you go there and help.....lying ass nikka:pachaha:
I've never been to Indonesia in my life and I don't work with gay and trans people. :gucci:

You really ain't reading for shyt. In the past I've done work with an international Christian organization. Other people I met in that organization were from Indonesia. They don't work with gay and trans folk either, they were just telling us shyt about what Jakarta was like that was totally at odds with the stereotype of a "Muslim nation". shyt about ladyboys on the street that sounded just like Bangkok or Manilla.

You somehow jumped from that basic-ass story to create an entire made-up narrative in your head. :dahell:

Stalks me for two years repeating the same shyt over and over:

I do not identify with White Supremacist, that's like me saying you identify with homosexuality, because you have gay friends who are into the gay/trans scene in Jakarta. Also being Anti-immagration is not identifying with White Supremacist, Frederick Douglass was Anti-immigration, but if it was not for immigration you would not have found your non-black immigrant wife
This thread is about Buck Breaking, you are the troll because you came in talking about other things bedsides the topic at hand.

You started trolling trying to get people off topic, because most likely you are Buck Broken, so I brought us some of the gay shyt you said.
It's not lies, you said those are your friends and they are into the gay/trans scene in Jakarta.
You post and on here more than me lol. Also what I said is true, a straight man is not going to hang around men who are apart of the trans/gay scene....unless that person is gay or down low themselves.

You hang out with gay men bruh:
You really should not talk, because you defend @Ya' Cousin Cleon and he is known for getting pegged by his wife and also has sex with trans women and you also defend other users who mess with trans women.

You looking buck broken yourself:
Being in a International Christian Organization is relevant, because you made multiple post in a gay thread and one of the post, you said you are friends with people from Jakarta who are open to the trans/gay scene....That sounds suspect, your hanging out with men who are open to the trans/gay scene :francis:
I still support Trump when it comes to stopping immigrants from coming into America.

You on the other hand keep denying that you are friends with other men who are into the trans/gay scene. Straight men do not hang out with other men who have sex with other men:

And this just a couple hours ago still talking about a thread from two years ago.

Yeah that nikka @Rhakim is lowkey gay. He has close friends who are into the trans/gay scene and he is always talking about lgbt rights and be gay threats dropping gay facts:

Notice I didn't even say a word about knowing anyone in the gay/trans scene. I said I met two Indonesian Christians at a conference that said Jakarta has a gay/trans scene problem, and somehow he created an entire narrative in his head that he's held onto for two years.

No one stays that obsessed for two years unless he has internal stuff to deal with.

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
Democrats try to attack Republicans but always end up attacking what they claim to support.

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
Whatever they accuse others of doing is what they're doing.

They call democrats racist while having postcards with lynching photos on them

They call other men rapists while they rape constantly and brutally and of course get away with it because the police is staffed by men just like them

They call liberals groomers while molesting children themselves

They call black people criminals while stealing the wages of their employees and literally going on shooting sprees every other week.

They are confused, sick, depraved, dangerous people who should be kept away from even an ounce of power or influence.


Jul 25, 2018
@Bunchy Carter wants to support Trump because of the "trans agenda":

Repeatedly making Trans threads or jumps in to post new material in trans threads that he's clearly researched himself:

Randomly accuses me of being gay because I know that trans people in Indonesia exist (though I've never even been there):

Stalks me for two years repeating the same shyt over and over:

And this just a couple hours ago still talking about a thread from two years ago.

Notice I didn't even say a word about knowing anyone in the gay/trans scene. I said I met two Indonesian Christians at a conference that said Jakarta has a gay/trans scene problem, and somehow he created an entire narrative in his head that he's held onto for two years.

No one stays that obsessed for two years unless he has internal stuff to deal with.

This self hating c00nservative weirdo is on the top of my list for 2022 WOAT award. He needs that badge so people knows what's up when he runs around pretending to be some uncompromising black nationalist revolutionary defending African Americans from immigrants when he's really just some aspiring white right wing idiot who's completely and totally comfortable with white supremacy