Just wanted to come in and pay my respects. I read it after it happened and was in a sort of denial, but it goes to show you that life is fleeting and unpredictable. RIP. 

Isn't there a public viewing?Any of y'all cats going?
My bad yea a public viewing would have been too much,Outside of basketball and football players it's gonna be a lot of folks at funeral.I think everything is private. It's right by my crib so I definitely would have gone to pay my respects if it was open to the public.
My bad yea a public viewing would have been too much,Outside of basketball and football players it's gonna be a lot of folks at funeral.
Yeah I'm actually quite interested to see what the area looks like tomorrow morning. The road where the church and the cemetery are located is a major thoroughfare in Raleigh, and I expect traffic to be snarled. I'm sure you will have a lot of the ESPN talent, former and present athletes there too, so just off of that I'm sure there will be a strong police presence.
Not trying to be funny but area might be closed and chaotic as if the President was coming.Remember a lot of these big timers roll with security motor cades.Im surprise they are telling folks where the grave at,usually with the famous celebs they are buried in private locations.Let us know how it look tomorrow.
That's big right there.Apparently Tiger came through and showed love to Stu and the family; he was the most noteworthy person mentioned in the article.
Good look for Tiger,I wouldnt think he was type to show up like that. How is the area looking now?I think the bigger stars and names are probably coming today since the funeral is invite only. Plus factoring in schedules and stuff. Could be that Tiger came thru since he knew he wouldn't be able to make it today.
Good look for the report bruhsI just drove by there a few minutes ago. A few media trucks posted up outside. The parking lot was packed. It is a big church yet I've never seen it as packed as it is today. In fact I used to wonder how it stayed open since I never saw a lot of people there, even on Sundays. Traffic was surprisingly normal but that will very likely change after the services are over and they head to the Cemetery which is just a little further up the road.
Yea that game was crazyAround 3:00 I was coming back from taking my son to the library, and I stopped at the local Walmart to pick up some burgers, which is right off Glenwood. diagonally across from the church. I think the services had just finished because when I got further up Glenwood on the way home, by the cemetery, I could see a line of cars pulling in. Apparently there must be a back way that they are able to get from the church to the cemetery, because there was nothing stopped on Glenwood.
I'm watching the UNC-Louisville game, and while I normally can't stand watching a game with dikk Vitale, I must give him afor dropping Stu's name when Marcus Paige just hit a big three, saying, "As Stuart Scott would say, Boo-Yah!" Then going in about how much he would be missed and how he was a proud alum. He said he was at the services last night too.