Only use credit cards for emergencies, or to keep a small balance to build credit. if you can't buy it with cash you can't afford it.
If you have to chase a chick move on, if she wants you she'll make it easy for you.
If a friend makes a hating remark or says something unsavory about you, they are not your friend and their mask fell off for a moment and they exposed their true feelings for you.
Work jobs you don't like to fund your true interests and passions until you can get paid for doing something that doesn't feel like work
be like Chuck D never be like Flava Flav.
Workout, eat right atleast 80% of the time, and don't drink alcohol. You'll extend your life, guard against illness and feel better.
Never publicly criticize your own tribe. Outsiders will distrust you because if you turn on your own they know you don't have loyalty and your tribe will hate you.
Do something great and unique in life, nobody gives a fukk about 40 degree days.
When you attempt ambitious goals people will criticize and laughter at you due to their insecurity, when you make it they will hate on you and sabotage you.
Streets don't love anybody, you will die a horrible death or spend a large chunk of your life in prison.