Chances make champions
The achievement in makeup/set design/costumes alone make it tier zero. The fact that they can get you sucked into a charactor and care when they die is on the wire level, and the fact that have done a phenomenal job at capturing the zombie horror genre so well is amazing.
Its a tougher genre than Mafia / Drug crime as well, because it deals with the loss of everything, coping with hopelessness, human connection and loss theroef, true survival instincts, and theres no source material to reference outside of the genre (only other films, comics etc) unlike the others where you have real life examples and criminals.
You all can spare me the dungeons and dragons esque game of thrones riff raff, the cornyness of weeds and nip/tuck, the the shield and 24 are above them anyway. I admittedly haven't watched Boardwalk Empire (yes I fdup) but I dont think I've heard it talked about on the tier zero level anyway.
It also has maybe the GOAT pilot episode of all time; I was sold right then.
The achievement in makeup/set design/costumes alone make it tier zero. The fact that they can get you sucked into a charactor and care when they die is on the wire level, and the fact that have done a phenomenal job at capturing the zombie horror genre so well is amazing.
Its a tougher genre than Mafia / Drug crime as well, because it deals with the loss of everything, coping with hopelessness, human connection and loss theroef, true survival instincts, and theres no source material to reference outside of the genre (only other films, comics etc) unlike the others where you have real life examples and criminals.
You all can spare me the dungeons and dragons esque game of thrones riff raff, the cornyness of weeds and nip/tuck, the the shield and 24 are above them anyway. I admittedly haven't watched Boardwalk Empire (yes I fdup) but I dont think I've heard it talked about on the tier zero level anyway.
It also has maybe the GOAT pilot episode of all time; I was sold right then.